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24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON)

3 participants

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24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON) Empty 24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON)

Message  Joey Mar 6 Avr - 9:43

As the Outpost Bus drives towards GP Lyon the winner of the GPT will not only reeive 3 byes but also the BUS TRIP and if more then 24 players show up even the HOTEL! The format is sealed deck (Rise of the Eldrazi) with top 8 booster draft. Later in the day (15h00) we will be starting a release draft tournament for those who are not doing well.

Where : Outpost Gent
When : Saturday 24th of Arpil
Doors : 10h00 // Start : 11h00
Format : Sealed Deck
Entry Fee : 25 euro

If less then 24 players :
1ste : 3 Byes + BUS to GP Lyon / Hotel still needs to be paid.
2nd : 6 boosters
3rd : 3 boosters
4th : 2 Boosters
5-8th : 1 booster

If 25 players or more :
1st : 3 Byes + BUS + HOTEL for GP Lyon
2nd : 10 boosters
3rd : 6 boosters
4th : 4 Boosters
5-8th : 2 boosters

If 33 Players or more :
1st : 3 Byes + BUS + HOTEL for GP Lyon
2nd : 3 byes + 12 boosters
3rd : 8 boosters
4th : 6 Boosters
5-8th : 2 boosters
8-12th : 1 booster

If 48 players or more :
1st : 3 Byes + BUS + HOTEL for GP Lyon
2nd : 3 byes + BUS + HOTEL for GP Lyon
3rd : 8 boosters
4th : 6 Boosters
5-8th : 2 boosters
8-12th : 1 booster


Dernière édition par Joey le Mar 6 Avr - 10:03, édité 1 fois

Nombre de messages : 7876
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2008
Age : 41
Localisation : Bruxelles

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24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON) Empty Re: 24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON)

Message  MatF Mar 6 Avr - 9:57

Joey a écrit:Format : standard constructed

GPT Lyon en stantard constructed? Shocked

Nombre de messages : 1424
Date d'inscription : 10/11/2009

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24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON) Empty Re: 24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON)

Message  MoTo Mar 6 Avr - 9:59

"The PTQ season for Amsterdam has started and here is the first Outpost PTQ!"

Je crois qu'il y a une petite erreur

Nombre de messages : 5338
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2009
Age : 43

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24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON) Empty Re: 24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON)

Message  Joey Mar 6 Avr - 10:04

En effet, j'avais fait une erreur dans le copié/collé.

Nombre de messages : 7876
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2008
Age : 41
Localisation : Bruxelles

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24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON) Empty Re: 24/04 GPT LYON @ Outpost Gent (win a trip to LYON)

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