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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

5 participants

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  NiRVeS Lun 17 Nov - 11:27

Tournament announcement:

The year is coming to an end, but 2014 would not be complete without the Finals of the Belgian Legacy Cup!

21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB 2014_finale_banner

Outpost Brussels will host the 2014 edition of what can be considered the pinnacle of the Eternal Magic-year in Belgium. As those who have attended our previous tournaments can attest, the Belgian Legacy Cup Finals stands for a pleasant yet competitive atmosphere, with broken plays, sweet decks, a pile of duallands and fetches and a lot of love for the game and the format.

And of course, one lucky winner who may call himself the 2014 Belgian Legacy Cup Champion!

Where: Outpost Brussels, Rue de la tribune 8, 1000 Brussels

Outpost Brussels is situated in the same building as the Royal Circus, the well-known concert building and therefore straight in the city centre. Other popular places in the neighbourhood are the Rue Royale, the Botanical Garden and Central station. Those of you who come by train only have to walk five minutes to reach the gamecenter.

Tournament info

  •    When : Sunday December 21st, 2014
  •    Doors : 11h00 / Start : 12h00
  •    Format : Legacy – Swiss Rounds with top 8
  •    REL: Competitive – bring a decklist!
  •    Entry fee: 15 euros
  •    Preregistrations: send an e-mail to or use the contact form.
  •    Facebook-event
  •    Capacity: 160 Players
  •    This tournament is a WPN Premium tournament. PWP multiplier x3!

Prizing (guaranteed!)

  •   1st: 4 Tundra (REV) + title of 2014 Belgian Legacy Cup Champion
  •    2nd: 2 Tropical Island (REV)
  •    3rd: 2 Badlands (REV) + 2 Bloodstained Mire (KOT)
  •    4th: 2 Badlands (REV) + 2 Bloodstained Mire (KOT)
  •    5th: 1 Polluted Delta + 1 Flooded Strand + 1 Wooded Foothills + 1 Windswept Heath (KOT)
  •    6th: 1 Polluted Delta + 1 Flooded Strand + 1 Wooded Foothills + 1 Windswept Heath (KOT)
  •    7th: 1 Polluted Delta + 1 Flooded Strand + 1 Wooded Foothills + 1 Windswept Heath (KOT)
  •    8th: 1 Polluted Delta + 1 Flooded Strand + 1 Wooded Foothills + 1 Windswept Heath (KOT)

Prizes for players outside of the top 8 will be added depending on the number of participants.

So mark your calendars, and make sure you attend the 2014 Belgian Legacy Cup Finals!

The BLC-Team and Outpost Brussels

21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB 2014_finale_affiche2

Dernière édition par NiRVeS le Sam 20 Déc - 12:49, édité 3 fois


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty Re: 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  NiRVeS Lun 8 Déc - 13:19

Rappel :-)


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty Re: 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  Snick Ven 12 Déc - 8:04

In Very Happy


Nombre de messages : 9
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2014
Age : 43
Localisation : Alentour de Bruxelles

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty Re: 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  Reinout Ven 19 Déc - 9:01

According to the calendar this event is on Saturday. May want to get that fixed.


Nombre de messages : 242
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2012

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty Re: 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  NiRVeS Lun 22 Déc - 10:28

We have a new champion!
Congratulations to Pierre Melin, who stormed his way past 102 other players to become our 2014 Belgian Legacy Cup Champion!

Top 8 playoffs:

Pierre Melin (ANT) wins vs Cedric Moulin (ANT)
Xavier Labeye (Reanimator) wins vs Damien Uliana (Sneak & Show)
Mathi Leanaerts (Elves) wins vs Sander Hendrickx (Spiral Tide)
Irvin Celen (Death and Taxes) wins vs David Fossion (GRb Lands)

Pierre (ANT) wins vs Xavier (Reanimator)
Mathi (Elves) wins vs Death and Irvin (Taxes)

Pierre (ANT) wins vs Mathi (Elves)

Decklists will be posted on our website later this week.

Thank you to everyone who attended the event.
Enjoy the holidays, and we'll see you next year for a new tournament series!



Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty Re: 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  Alexandrov Mar 23 Déc - 15:10

Merci pour le tournoi, l'organisation, le rajout de prizing pour le top 16 qui m'a empêché de doublement râler sur le fait que je suis un putain de fish.

Pour la petite histoire d'ailleurs, je n'ai jamais vu un top 8 aussi détendu.

Gratz, je reviendrai.

Nombre de messages : 448
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2010

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty Re: 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  NiRVeS Mar 23 Déc - 15:36

Pour la petite histoire d'ailleurs, je n'ai jamais vu un top 8 aussi détendu.
Pour que je comprend bien: est-ce que tu trouve ça un point positif ou négatif?


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty Re: 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  Alexandrov Mar 23 Déc - 15:43


Nombre de messages : 448
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2010

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty Re: 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  niarfounet Mar 23 Déc - 18:17

Alexandrov a écrit:Positif.

Je n'aurais jamais cru voir ce propos "dis" par toi.

Nombre de messages : 1017
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Age : 40
Localisation : Bruxelles

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty Re: 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  Alexandrov Mar 23 Déc - 18:58

J'ai eu un lucky bye, un game loss, j'ai pu fetcher dans ledeck de mon adversaire après qu'il ne prenne sa main de départ de mon deck, jouer Delver rabblemaster, tout en finissant dans le prizing.

How cool is that ? Razz

Nombre de messages : 448
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2010

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21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB Empty Re: 21/12 Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ OPB

Message  Contenu sponsorisé

Contenu sponsorisé

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