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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Nico Truc
Emmanuelle et Emilien
7 participants

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  NiRVeS Jeu 21 Nov - 13:09

Four trials have come and gone and the year is drawing to a close. That means the time has come to crown a new Belgian Legacy Cup Champion.

22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Blc2013_fb-header
On December 22nd, Magic Club Ghent and Brassman Oostende, in collaboration with Outpost Antwerp, present you with the Belgian Legacy Cup Finals. Running strong since 2008, this exciting tournament will feature the strongest Legacy players in the region, facing off against eachother for a loaded prizepool, and to earn the coveted title of Belgian Legacy Cup Champion 2013.

Sunday December 22nd, 2012
Doors: 10:00
Start: 11:00

Street Adress: Outpost Antwerp, Beggaardenstraat 6, Antwerp
Outpost Antwerp is located near the Groenplaats and the Meir. It’s a 10-min walk coming from the Antwerp-Central trainstation. Nearby parking facilities are available, even though they all require payment.

Tournament details

■ Format: Legacy Constructed, Swiss rounds + top 8 playoffs
■ Rules Enforcement Level: Competitive. Decklists are required.
■ Entry Fee: € 15,-
■ Pre-registration: use the contact-form here.

Help us plan ahead by pre-registering!

The following prizes will be awarded, regardless of attendance:

■ 1st: 4 Underground Sea (revised) + 1 Polluted Delta (Onslaught) + title of Belgian Legacy Cup Champion 2013
■ 2nd: 4 Bayou (revised)+ 1 Polluted Delta (Onslaught)
■ 3rd: 2 Force of Will + 1 Polluted Delta (Onslaught)
■ 4th: 2 Force of Will + 1 Polluted Delta (Onslaught)
■ 5th: 1 Flooded Strand + 1 Misty Rainforest + 1 Bloodstained Mire
■ 6th: 1 Flooded Strand + 1 Misty Rainforest + 1 Bloodstained Mire
■ 7th: 1 Flooded Strand + 1 Misty Rainforest + 1 Bloodstained Mire
■ 8th: 1 Flooded Strand + 1 Misty Rainforest + 1 Bloodstained Mire

Depending on the turnout, additional prizes may be added to the prizepool.

Additional information

■ Because of the trial- and bye-system, this tournament will not be DCI-santioned. However, all DCI-related policies will be upheld. We are making efforts to be able to sanction the final event for future editions of the Belgian Legacy Cup.
■ Drinks and sandwiches will be available at the tournament site for reasonable prices. We don’t mind if you bring your own food, but we kindly ask you not to bring any of your own beverages.
■ Byes: winners of the trial tournaments will receive 2 byes, runner-ups will receive 1 bye. To maintain the integrity of the tournament, the following exception is installed: if attendance is under 65 players (meaning only 6 or fewer rounds of swiss), trial-winners will only receive a single bye instead of 2.
■ Side-events: depending on interest, 8-man pick-up events can be made available.
■ Resources: Banned list / Deck registration sheet (excel spreadsheet with auto-totals)

So come and join us for the Belgian Legacy Cup Finals 2013. Let’s make this a memorable event!

See you there,

The BLC-organization

Join us on Facebook!

Dernière édition par NiRVeS le Mar 10 Déc - 11:40, édité 8 fois


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  NiRVeS Jeu 28 Nov - 10:10



Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  NiRVeS Jeu 28 Nov - 12:51

Question: selon vous, est-ce que les lots sont bien distribué comme ça?
Ou est-ce qe ça serait mieux de juste offrir 4 Sea + 4 Delta au premier (afin d'avoir lot plus attractif pour le vainqueur) et de laisser tomber les Delta's pour les places 2-3-4?
J'aimerais bien avoir votre opinion, même de ceux qui ne comptent pas pouvoir participer.

D'avance merci,


PS: Tenez compte du fait que, traditionellement, les lots sont splitté au quart- ou démi-finale, et que cette distribution n'aura donc probablement pas trop impacte à la fin.


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  Kyofu Jeu 28 Nov - 13:00

je pense que c est bon comme c est affiche la pour ma part
ca fait quand meme deja une difference de 160-200 euros si tu gagnes la finale


Nombre de messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2011
Age : 43
Localisation : Aubange

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Jeu 28 Nov - 13:21

Je ne pense pas venir, n'étant pas amateur de Legacy. Cependant, lorsque je joue à un tournoi, les deux facteurs que je prends en compte sont, par ordre de priorité :
1) Si j'ai des potes qui y vont, afin de m'assurer de passer une bonne journée en leur compagnie.
2) Quels sont les lots du premier, car ce sont ceux qui me vendent le plus de rêve.

Du coup oui, je préfère que l'on maximise les lots de la première place.
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  Nico Truc Jeu 28 Nov - 13:30

de mon coté, j'aime bien que le prizing soit étalé pour tout le top8. c'est très frustrant de perdre en top8, alors j'aime le principe de lot de consolation.

maintenant dans le cas précis qui nous occupe ici, meme sans les Delta, le prizing est déjà très sympa pour tout le top8. alors à mes yeux, ça n'a pas grande importance.
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  Nexus Jeu 28 Nov - 17:44

IN! Azzedine si tu me read, on y va? mateus tu te monte un deck d'ici la???? trigaut? therence?

moi j'y vais d'office donc si une voiture ce monte faites moi signe

Nombre de messages : 2480
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2010
Age : 34
Localisation : Hell

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  NiRVeS Jeu 5 Déc - 18:44



Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  NiRVeS Mar 10 Déc - 10:57

J'ai complété l'annonce avec tous les infos nécessaires.

S'il y a des gens qui ont envie de nous aider avec le promo: n'hésitez pas de recopier cette annonce vers des autres forums/sites. Je vous invite également à "aimer" (vous traduisez le mot "like" chez vous?) et/ou partagez notre événement sur Facebook. Même si vous ne comptez pas à participer, ça nous ferait beaucoup de plaisir - on a besoin de suffisament de monde afin de pouvoir continuer notre série de tournois avec des dotations intéressants.

D'avance merci et à tantôt,



Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  Reinout Mar 10 Déc - 11:06

■ Pre-registration: use the contact-form here.

Je voulais bien me préinscrire, mais le 'here' fait rien Smile


Nombre de messages : 242
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2012

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  NiRVeS Mar 10 Déc - 11:40



Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  NiRVeS Lun 16 Déc - 12:51

C'est ce weekend, messieurs!


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  NiRVeS Mar 17 Déc - 13:28

Encore un astuce pour ceux qui comptent venir en auto: comme c'est un dimanche, vous pouvez vous garer gratuitement dans la centreville d'Anvers.
Cependant, notez que c'est souvent très difficile à trouver une place, et que les parkings (l'option le plus facile) ne tiennent pas compte du fait que c'est un dimanche ou non (et très chèr: plus que 16 euros / jour).


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  Reinout Ven 20 Déc - 16:25

Normalement je prends le train au gare centrale:

09:36 Vertr
10:22 Aank

Si il y a des gens qui veulent me joindre.


Nombre de messages : 242
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2012

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty ...

Message  Nantuko Ven 20 Déc - 18:30

Simple question, reprenant après presque un an d'abstinence à Magic.

Peux-t-on participer au Main Event sans avoir participer aux tournois préliminaires ?


Nombre de messages : 267
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2010

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  Reinout Ven 20 Déc - 19:00

Nantuko a écrit:Simple question, reprenant après presque un an d'abstinence à Magic.

Peux-t-on participer au Main Event sans avoir participer aux tournois préliminaires ?

Oui, aucun probleme. Les tournois preliminaires donnes des byes pour les 2 premieres rounds (donc si tu as gagnes un tournoi tu 'gagnes' les 2 premieres rounds, c'est toutes)


Nombre de messages : 242
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2012

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  Reinout Dim 22 Déc - 22:38

First of all thanks to Nirves/Tom for organising the BLC, had lots of fun today even though I fell short of top8.

I played the following 75:

1 Island
1 Swamp
1 Tropical Island
1 Volcanic Island
2 Underground Sea
4 Polluted Delta
1 Sensei's Divining Top
4 Lion's Eye Diamond
4 Lotus Petal
1 Ad Nauseam
4 Brainstorm
4 Cabal Ritual
4 Dark Ritual
1 Past in Flames
1 Tendrils of Agony
2 Preordain
3 Duress
4 Cabal Therapy
4 Gitaxian Probe
4 Infernal Tutor
4 Ponder
1 Badlands
4 Scalding Tarn
SB: 3 Xantid Swarm
SB: 3 Abrupt Decay
SB: 2 Chain of Vapor
SB: 3 Dread of Night
SB: 3 Carpet of Flowers
SB: 1 Empty the Warrens

Round1 vs RUG Delver

A probe reveals double FoW which is taken away with therapy. Win with rituals + pif.
SB: +1 ETW, -1 Top
Second game opponent has 2 cards in hand, one is a stifle (revealed to delver). I ad nauseam until I hit 4 life. Got enough but cant beat a counterspell. Drawing an extra card means I am dead to bolt. Decide that opponent would have countered ad nauseam if he could have, so just kill him. He reveals the bolt Smile.


Round2 vs Elves
Probably the best matchup.

Opponent opens up with a herritage druid. Next turn he plays cradle + an elf. I have a fair turn with gitaxian probe + 2x therapy, taking 2x Natural Order and 1x glimpse. Opponent has nothing left but 2 1/1's on the board. I kill him within the next few turns.

In: +3 decay, out -3 duress

We both mulligan. I keep a hand containing land, land, LEDx3, Petal. Not a good hand, but if I draw a tutor I just kill him on the spot.
Opponent opens up with thoughtseize and takes petal. I play 3x LED. We both do nothing for a couple of turns. I therapy him for mindbreak trap (and hit), and kill him.


Round3 vs Esper Blade
First game opponent only manages to find a single FoW which I take and kill him.
Sideboarding for this match is hard, as opponent brings in meddling mages, so you need a mixture of hand disruption + removal.

In: +2 decay, +3 xantid swarm, +3 carpet of flowers, out: 3x cabal ritual, 2x preordain, a probe, dnno

He counters my opening probe, allowing me to stick a carpet of flowers. Carpet quickly ramps me up. He sticks a meddling mage naming Tendrils.
I dont know his hand, but I have dark ritual, ad nauseam, infernal tutor + LED.
He has 2 lands in play, I have tropical + carpet. I play ritual using carpet (5 mana) and play ad nauseam. If he counters this we traded 2 cards for 2 and I still have a decent hand. If it resolves I just win. It resolved...


R4 vs 4color loam.
G1 was a grindfest in which I ended up having a graveyard larger than my library. Actually ran out of discard outlets meaning I could not strip him of counter magic. He had a top in play allowing him to keep a relevant card on top.
G2 I killed him T1, he did not have FoW.
G3 another grindfest and I lose.


R5 vs DnT.
He wins the dieroll and plays plains, go. Only hand that he could have kept was a hand with thalia, and he probably knew what I was playing. I do not find a therapy on T1, and Thalia hits the board T2. Revoker follows naming LED, and I can no longer win.

Out: 3duress, 4 therapy, 1preordain In: abrupt decay, dread of night, chain of vapor
G2 I kill him T1.
G3 He manages to get 3 revokers out (top, LED, petal), but I have dread of night in play. Abrupt decay on revoker naming LED and killed my opponent.

R6 vs RUG:
Most interesting part here was G2. My opponent keeps a hand full with disruption + goyf. I gitaxian probe him + therapy, naming goyf. This way my opponent has no clock, and I can find more disruption.
We play draw go (or cantrip go) for a long time. Finally my opponent plays a goyf, providing a 2turn clock.

I have the following hand:
Ritual, Cabal Ritual, Cabal Ritual, Empty, PiF, Duress, Infernal, Ad Nauseam
I have an island + delta + petal + LED in play.
My opponent has the following cards: FoW x2, stifle, 3(4?) unknowns. He already played Surgical Extraction on therapy.

I start by fetching, which is stifled (1). I play dark ritual using petal (2). Resolves. I play duress(3), which gets forced(4). I play both cabals (6), 8 mana. I play ad nauseam (7), 3 mana. This one gets forced as well (Cool. Opponent has 2 cards in hand. I decide to go infernal tutor, crack LED (floating 5 mana), find another mana source and kill him. He plays SE on my PiF. I find tendrils, and his last card is stifle.
What I should have done (after talking to Nirves) was just crack LED (instead of playing infernal), have 7 mana and flashback past in flames. If he has a counter I lose (but I would have lost with my other line as well). If he has SE he can either take dark ritual (but I have cabal rituals), cabal ritual (but I have dark ritual), infernal tutor (but I have Empty in GY), so I should just win.


Last round vs belcher. I lose G1 and G3.

In the end I was happy with my 75. Mana base could probably be better by replacing bad lands with bayou and scalding tarns with misty, but I dont have a playset of the latter.


Nombre de messages : 242
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2012

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22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp Empty Re: 22/12: Belgian Legacy Cup FINALS @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  NiRVeS Dim 22 Déc - 23:47

Jeroen Schaffhausen beats Aron Fonteyne in the finals.

Top 8 decklists:

Thanks to everyone who participated in the event!


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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