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28/10/12 - OPB - tournoi fun EDH

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28/10/12 - OPB - tournoi fun EDH Empty 28/10/12 - OPB - tournoi fun EDH

Message  Nico Truc Mer 24 Oct - 13:18

Bernardo dans la newsletter a écrit:28/10 FUN COMMANDER TOURNAMENT 16h00

It's time for our regular Commander tournament so prepare yourself and come to enjoy the pleasure of multiplayer chaos and crazy interactions !

*When : Sunday 28/10
*Where: Outpost Brussels
Rue de la tribune, 8
1000 Brussels
*Format : FUN Multiplayer COMMANDER (EDH). Every player will play 3 matches in tables of 4 (preferably if possible).
*Entry fee: 5 euros
*Prizes: Prizing will be awarded randomly every round and at every table! Lots of promos foils (lands from FTV:Realms and promo cards from other sets...) !
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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