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[HS] tournoi OPB-06/09

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[HS] tournoi OPB-06/09 Empty [HS] tournoi OPB-06/09

Message  Nico Truc Jeu 21 Aoû - 15:24

j'y serai très probablement.
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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[HS] tournoi OPB-06/09 Empty Re: [HS] tournoi OPB-06/09

Message  Bernardo Jeu 21 Aoû - 17:23

Hi everyone,

The Outpost Brussels and the youtube channel Hearthstone FR Strategy
are proud to present you another Big Hearthstone event in
Brussels and this time it will be a Full Day of Fun around Hearthstone !

Here is the full schedule of the day:
- 9h30: Doors opening
- 10h30 : Tournament Rules Explanation
- 11h00 : Start of the Tournament
- 13h00 : Q&A + HSFR autographs
- 15h00 : Quizz + Contest with Lots of prizing
- 18h00 : Show match
- 19h00 : Final Stage of the tournament
- 22h00 : End of the tournament and Prize distribution

This will be an unique occasion to compete with the best, to test out
new decks or to just discover the game.

NEW! You will also be able to play with your own Tablet or Laptop during the event!

There will be live tournament streaming and coverage and room for
spectators with live big screens. Whether you are a player or a simple
visitor, don't miss this event !

Here are the details of the event:
*When : Saturday 6th of September 2014
*Doors Open: 9h30 / Start : 11h00
*Where: Outpost Brussels
Rue de la tribune, 8
1000 Brussels
*Format : 1 vs 1 King of the Hill (Bo3 in Group Stages). Bo5 in the finals so 3 decks will be needed.
Each player will have to provide 3 decklists at the beginning of the tournament (with Name, Battletag and the list of all the 30 cards played) and the decks can't be changed during the tournament.
*Entry fee: 15 euros (Includes Free gaming during the tournament in
Outpost) – Free for the visitors
*Preregistrations: with your Name, Battletag and if you come to play with a Tablet, a Laptop or none of those.
*Number of Players: 128
* Prizing:
1st 1 Collector Box Mists of Pandaria + 1 Mega block Griffin Alliance + 1 T-Shirt + 1 Hearthstone Bounce Ball + 1 Set of 4 Badges + 1 Free Day of LAN Gaming in Outpost
2nd 1 Collector Box Cataclysm + 1 T-Shirt + 1 Hearthstone Bounce Ball + 1 Set of 4 Badges + 1 Free Day of LAN Gaming in Outpost
3rd + 4th 1 T-Shirt + 1 Hearthstone Bounce Ball + 1 Set of 4 Badges + 1 Free Day of LAN Gaming in Outpost
5th - 8th 1 T-Shirt + 1 Set of 4 Badges + 1 Free Day of LAN Gaming in Outpost
All Players: 1 Lanyard + 1 Hearthstone Magnet + 1 WoW TCG Card

ATTENTION : Please make sure you either bring an authenticator or know your Battlenet Account Login Data.

Good luck to all of you and see you soon Smile,

The Outpost Brussels Team and The Hearthstone FR Strategy Team


Nombre de messages : 282
Date d'inscription : 18/09/2010

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[HS] tournoi OPB-06/09 Empty Re: [HS] tournoi OPB-06/09

Message  Swap Ven 22 Aoû - 20:24

J viendrais sûrement jouer mais c'est pas pour les prizings

Nombre de messages : 2967
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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[HS] tournoi OPB-06/09 Empty Re: [HS] tournoi OPB-06/09

Message  Zaptain Ven 22 Aoû - 22:11


Nombre de messages : 1270
Date d'inscription : 15/05/2010

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[HS] tournoi OPB-06/09 Empty Re: [HS] tournoi OPB-06/09

Message  Kyofu Dim 24 Aoû - 21:37

c est clair que ca fait pas rever Mad

soit tu joues a wow et t as deja les box, soit t y joues pas pour une raison X ou Y et donc t en a rien a faire ^^

je preferais les lots en matos informatique pour ma part


Nombre de messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2011
Age : 43
Localisation : Aubange

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[HS] tournoi OPB-06/09 Empty Re: [HS] tournoi OPB-06/09

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