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19/11: BLC Trial 5 @ Outpost Antwerp

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19/11: BLC Trial 5 @ Outpost Antwerp Empty 19/11: BLC Trial 5 @ Outpost Antwerp

Message  NiRVeS Jeu 16 Nov - 14:42

On Sunday November 19th, Outpost Antwerp plays host to the penultimate trial for the Belgian Legacy Cup 2017.

We will be handing out some of the game’s most sought after cards in the Revised dual lands in addition to brand new Iconic Masters boosters! And of course, the winner gets a Bye for our Finals on December 17th in Outpost Brussels.

Event Info:
Format: Legacy Constructed, swiss + top 8 (decklists required)
Doors: 10h00
Start: 11h00
Entry fee: 15€
Location: Outpost Antwerp

Minimum Garantueed Prize Support:

* All dual lands are Revised Edition and in EX condition or better.

24-32 players:
1st: Tundra + 1 Bye for the 2017 Belgian Legacy Cup Finals
2nd: Taiga
3rd-4th: 3 Iconic Masters Boosters
5th-8th: 2 Iconic Masters Boosters

33-48 Players:
1st: Volcanic Island + 1 Bye for the 2017 Belgian Legacy Cup Finals
2nd: Scrubland
3rd-4th: Taiga
5th-8th: 2 Iconic Masters Boosters

48+ Players:
1st: Volcanic Island + 1 Bye for the 2017 Belgian Legacy Cup Finals
2nd: Bayou
3rd-4th: Taiga
5th-8th: 4 Iconic Masters Boosters


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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