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Message  manu Dim 14 Juin - 20:36

Je cherche ( trade / achat )

3 kologhan command foil
2 tarmogoyf foil
1 dispel foil
1 shadow of doubt foil
1 ghost quarter foil
1 roast foil
2 thragtusk foil

Je possede :

2 windswept heath
1 wooded foothhills
1 sclading tarn
4 polluted delta
1 caves of koilos
1 hinterland harbor
1 sacred foundry
1 godless shrine
1 kataki chinese foil
2 collected company
2 griselbrand DCI
1 anafenza the foremost foil
1 batterskull
1 thunderbreak regent
1 kiki jiki mirror breaker
3 remand
1 BoP
1 den protector
1 Dig through time
2 splinter twin
3 fulminator mage
1 vendilion clique
1 wilt leaf liege foil
3 sidisi brood tyrant
1 brutal hordechief foil
1 keranos god of the storms
1 tarmogoyf FS
1 bloom tender
1 spellskite
X etched champion
2 noble hierarch
1 cryptic command
2 primeval titan
1 ugin the spirit dragon
1 atarka command


Nombre de messages : 522
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2009

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