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16/01, 17/01 & 18/01 Fate Reforged Prerelease Marathon Promotion + Ugin's Fate Boosters

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16/01, 17/01 & 18/01 Fate Reforged Prerelease Marathon Promotion + Ugin's Fate Boosters Empty 16/01, 17/01 & 18/01 Fate Reforged Prerelease Marathon Promotion + Ugin's Fate Boosters

Message  Bernardo Mar 6 Jan - 11:02

Hi everyone,

Here comes a new exciting set and of course new exciting prereleases!

There are five (5) different Prerelease Packs to choose from. Choose
a clan to raise their banner for, and build a deck with the help of a specially-designed seeded booster pack. In
addition, each Fate Reforged Prerelease Pack includes an emblem to identify their chosen clan. The battle for the
fate of the clans begins at the Prerelease! Players will get to choose their pack in the order in which they registered.

Each Fate Reforged Prerelease Pack contains items
designed specifically for the chosen clan. Fate
Reforged Prerelease Packs and prize support are
shipped separately from your Prerelease Kit.
• 4 Fate Reforged booster packs
• 1 Khans of Tarkir booster pack
• 1 seeded booster pack, including a promo card
• 1 activity insert
• 1 clan information card
• 1 Spindown™️
life counter
• 1 clan identity button

Additionnaly, there will be one Ugin’s Fate booster pack as an
additional prize once Ugin has been revived (explained at the start of the event)


* Normal: Play in 2 Prereleases and receive a Free Drink !
* Advanced: Play in 3 Prereleases and receive a Free Ultra Pro Sleeves (50pc)!
* Extreme: Play in 4 Prereleases and receive a Free Deckbox and D20 Dice !
* Hardcore: Play in 5 Prereleases and receive a Free Draft Coupon !
* Chuck Norris: Play in 6 Prereleases and receive 2 Free Draft Coupons 


BEAT THE BOSS Open Dueling: For 15 eur you'll receive one Intro Pack + one Magnum and play against any Outpost Brussels Staff Member, if you win you get one booster of your choice (of any standard valid set, available all weekend but only once per day against each Outpost Staff member).

Here is the full list of our Fate Reforged Prereleases:

*When: Friday Night 16/01 at 00h01
*Format: Fate Reforged Sealed Deck.
*Entry fee: 25 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 Fate Reforged boosters/Player

*When: Saturday 17/01 and Sunday 18/01 at 12h00 / Doors open at 11h00
*Format: Fate Reforged Sealed Deck (6 boosters)
*Entry fee: 25 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 Fate Reforged boosters/Player

*When: Saturday 17/01 and Sunday 18/01 at 16h30
*Format: Fate Reforged Sealed Deck (6 boosters)
*Entry fee: 25 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 Fate Reforged boosters/Player

Additionally, there will be our traditional fun 2 Headed Giant Prerelease on Saturday night !
*When: Saturday 17/01 at 20h30
*Format: Fate Reforged 2 HG Sealed Deck (12 boosters)
*Entry fee: 45 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 Fate Reforged boosters/Player

Example of Prize Distribution for Regular Sealed: 
4-0: 9 KHANS OF TARKIR Booster Packs
3-0-1: 6 FATE REFORGED Boosters
3-1: 3 FATE REFORGED Boosters

Example of Prize Distribution for Two-Headed Giant Sealed :
4-0:  18 FATE REFORGED Boosters
3-0-1: 12 FATE REFORGED Boosters
3-1: 6 FATE REFORGED Boosters

All the tournaments will count for the Outpost Player's Club.

Good luck and see you soon,

The Outpost Brussels Team


Nombre de messages : 282
Date d'inscription : 18/09/2010

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