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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

10 participants

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

Message  Bernardo Lun 13 Jan - 13:05

Hi everyone,

Here comes a new exciting set and of course new exciting prereleases!
More info about the Theros PR will come soon...


To reward players even more for playing in our BORN OF THE GODS Prereleases, in addition to the regular prizing, there will be a discount of 50% on the entry fee if you're playing 5 or more Prereleases (i.o.w: you'll only pay 12,50 eur instead of 25 euros on your 5th and on your 6th Prerelease in the Outpost Brussels)!

BEAT THE BOSS Open Dueling: For 15 eur you'll receive one Intro Pack + one Magnum + one Prerelease Card (While supply lasts) and play against any Outpost Brussels Staff Member, if you win you get one booster of your choice (of any standard valid set, available all weekend but only once per day against each Outpost Staff member).

Here is the full list of our BORN OF THE GODS Prereleases:

*When: Friday Night at 00h01
*Format: BORN OF THE GODS Sealed Deck (The Prerelease Pack contains a Spindown Life Counter, one of five Hero Cards, one of five quiz activity cards, two Born of the God boosters, three Theros boosters, and a seeded booster featuring cards appropriate for that player's chosen path—including one of the five Prerelease promo cards)
*Entry fee: 25 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 BORN OF THE GODS boosters/Player

*When: Saturday and Sunday at 12h00 / Doors open at 11h00
*Format: BORN OF THE GODS Sealed Deck (6 boosters)
*Entry fee: 25 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 BORN OF THE GODS boosters/Player

*When: Saturday at 16h30
*Format: BORN OF THE GODS Sealed Deck (6 boosters)
*Entry fee: 25 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 BORN OF THE GODS boosters/Player

Additionally, there will be our traditional fun 2 Headed Giant Prerelease on Saturday night !
*When: Saturday at 20h00
*Format: THEROS 2 HG Sealed Deck (12 boosters)
*Entry fee: 45 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 BORN OF THE GODS boosters/Player

There will also be another fun 2 Headed Giant Prerelease on Sunday afternoon !
*When: Sunday at 16h30
*Format: BORN OF THE GODS 2 HG Sealed Deck (12 boosters)
*Entry fee: 45 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 THEROS boosters/Player

All the tournaments will count for the Outpost Player's Club.
Good luck and see you soon,

The Outpost Brussels Team


Nombre de messages : 282
Date d'inscription : 18/09/2010

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

Message  Georges Lun 3 Fév - 6:56

Notez que Pacal Gemis a réussi son test et est devenu Level 1 ce weekend. Smile

Nombre de messages : 1199
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2010

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

Message  Renaud Lun 3 Fév - 6:57

Georges a écrit:Notez que Pacal Gemis a réussi son test et est devenu Level 1 ce weekend. Smile

Bravo Pascal !


Nombre de messages : 118
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2011

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

Message  koldae Lun 3 Fév - 7:35

Congratz Niarfounette ♥


Nombre de messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2012
Age : 19
Localisation : Bruxelles

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

Message  hiroshiman Lun 3 Fév - 11:47

bravo pascal !  Party 

Nombre de messages : 1046
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2008
Age : 61

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

Message  niarfounet Lun 3 Fév - 12:49

A moi la coke et les femmes !

Nombre de messages : 1017
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2012
Age : 40
Localisation : Bruxelles

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

Message  Froggy Lun 3 Fév - 13:23


Nombre de messages : 2132
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2010
Age : 38
Localisation : Bruxelles(Ixelles)

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

Message  Thorgnole Lun 3 Fév - 14:47

gg !

Nombre de messages : 1125
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2010
Age : 37
Localisation : Mons

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

Message  phantomwizard Mer 5 Fév - 15:42

Applause Party Party Party Applause 


Nombre de messages : 191
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013
Age : 56
Localisation : Sterrebeek OPB

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

Message  Zaptain Mer 5 Fév - 17:02

Georges a écrit:Notez que Pacal Gemis a réussi son test et est devenu Level 1 ce weekend. Smile
Y'avait un tournoi Hearthstone ?

Nombre de messages : 1270
Date d'inscription : 15/05/2010

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31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 31/01, 01/02, 02/02 BORN OF THE GODS PRERELEASE MARATHON@Outpost Brussels

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