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Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov

4 participants

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Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov Empty Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov

Message  NiRVeS Lun 8 Sep - 12:34

Pour ceux qui aiment des tournois du style Bazaar of Moxen...
Une sorte de petit BoM...à Prague?


zuzy a écrit:Dear players,

Based on the success of the previous Prague Eternal, we have decided not to run it 1x year, but 2x year. That is why I am proud to announce you:

PRAGUE ETERNAL 2014 – vol. 2
7+8+9 November 2014

Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov 10421510_838899246134518_5050990057435253874_n

Here is some basic information:

Air conditioned venue.
Better start of tournaments.
Higher entry fee = better prices.
Better choice of formats = true eternal all the weekend.
Better information source.
Artist at the venue = Sandreline is coming.

Soon we will have web running. There you will get more information on one place so you can easily find them.

Draw/Play rule will be applied for all Top 8 rounds based on the standings after Swiss rounds.

Based on the attendance of all trial tournaments, we will decide, with how many byes will be the winner awarded. For sure at least one, but maybe two.

Side events will be run all day long. There will be enough judges and place for them.

Prices will be announced soon and will be guaranteed regardless of the attendance.

Prague Eternal tournament is a part of Czech Vintage and Legacy Series. Points will be counted based on the attendance of Czech/Slovak players and will be applied to the rankings.

Magic Card Market is supporting us !!!

We are proud to announce, that the biggest online marketplace is supporting us in form of credit and other benefits for players.

SANDRELINE - artist of alternatinos of MtG cards:

Sandreline will have private sessions. She will have time just for you. If you are interested, send me email to get more informations.


Friday – 07.11.2014

Legacy trial for Saturday
12:00 registration, 13:00 start of tournament
X+1 turn – no Top 8
25 EUR

Saturday – 08.11.2014

Legacy main event
09:00 registration, 10:00 start of tournament
Swiss round and Top 8
35 EUR

Vintage trial for Sunday
13:00 registration, 14:00 start of tournament
Swiss round and Top 8
25 EUR

Sunday – 09.11.2014

Legacy trial for Prague Eternal 2015
09:00 registration, 10:00 start of tournament
Swiss round and Top 8
35 EUR

Vintage main (trial for Prague Eternal 2015)
09:00 registration, 10:00 start of tournament
Swiss round and Top 8
35 EUR


If you want to make a trial, here are the conditions:


8 - 32 players - 1st - 2x Bye
33 - 64 players - 1st - 2x bye and 2nd - 1x Bye
65 - ?? players - 1st - 2x Bye and 2nd + 3rd + 4th - 1x Bye.

1 st. - 1x Bye
2. Tournament has to have at least 8 players. Vintage trial can have PROX cards.
3. One TO can make just one trial.
4. Trials has to be announced till 15.09.2014, but can be held later. In case you will not be sure till 15.09.2014, let me know at email We will find solution.
5. Announce the trials with tournament number, web about the tournament, place and date at email

If you have ANY questions, let me know here or at PRAGUE.ETERNAL@EMAIL.CZ.

Looking forward to see you.


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov Empty Re: Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov

Message  NiRVeS Mar 23 Sep - 9:55

Je suis en trein de faire mes arrangements pour ce tournoi-ci.
Départ le jeudi 6/11, retour le 10/11.
Nous sommes actuellement à 3.
Si jamais quelqu'un voudrait nous joindre, n'hésite pas de me contacter.


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov Empty Re: Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov

Message  MoTo Mar 23 Sep - 10:27

How do you go?

Nombre de messages : 5338
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2009
Age : 43

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Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov Empty Re: Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov

Message  NiRVeS Mar 23 Sep - 11:14

J'attend aller en avion.
Depuis quelques jours, il y avait encore des tickets €80 A/R.
En principe, je pourrais m'imaginer prendre la bagnolle, mais je ne suis pas trop enthousiaste pour ça.


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov Empty Re: Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov

Message  Nico Truc Mar 23 Sep - 12:58

NiRVeS a écrit:En principe, je pourrais m'imaginer prendre la bagnolle, mais je ne suis pas trop enthousiaste pour ça.
je suis allé une fois à Prague en voiture. on l'a volée dès la 1ere nuit. c'était il y'a 10 ans. ça a peut etre changé. mais, à moins d'y etre obligé, je pense qu'il vaut mieux éviter la voiture.
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov Empty Re: Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Mar 23 Sep - 17:53

Lors de chaque GP Prague, il y a des joueurs qui ont des soucis de voiture volée. Du coup j'éviterai.
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov Empty Re: Prague Eternal 2: 7-9/nov

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