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25/04, 26/04 and 27/04 Outpost Bxl : Journey into Nyx Prerelease weekend

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25/04, 26/04 and 27/04 Outpost Bxl : Journey into Nyx Prerelease weekend Empty 25/04, 26/04 and 27/04 Outpost Bxl : Journey into Nyx Prerelease weekend

Message  Joey Mer 23 Avr - 19:46

Here is the full list of our JOURNEY INTO NYX Prereleases:

*When: Friday Night 25/04 at 00h01
*Format: JOURNEY INTO NYX Sealed Deck (6 boosters)
*Entry fee: 25 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 JOURNEY INTO NYX boosters/Player

*When: Saturday 26/04 and Sunday 27/04 at 12h00 / Doors open at 11h00
*Format: JOURNEY INTO NYX Sealed Deck (6 boosters)
*Entry fee: 25 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 JOURNEY INTO NYX boosters/Player

*When: Saturday 26/04 and Sunday 27/04 at 16h30
*Format: JOURNEY INTO NYX Sealed Deck (6 boosters)
*Entry fee: 25 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 JOURNEY INTO NYX boosters/Player

Additionally, there will be our traditional fun 2 Headed Giant Prerelease on Saturday night !
*When: Saturday 26/04 at 20h30
*Format: JOURNEY INTO NYX 2 HG Sealed Deck (12 boosters)
*Entry fee: 45 euro
*Prizes: Exclusive Prerelease promo Card and Prize pool of 2 JOURNEY INTO NYX boosters/Player

Nombre de messages : 7876
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2008
Age : 42
Localisation : Bruxelles

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