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19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye....

4 participants

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19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye.... Empty 19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye....

Message  akritas Lun 14 Sep - 15:21

Hi all,

This weekend we will hold up events to farewell the M10 Set that has proven to be
a great success and also the Lorwyn-Morningtide-Shadowmoor-Eventide Quartet.
Since Zendikar will come very soon and will push aside M10 drafts and also change
the whole standard format we will give this weekend the opportunity to people to
enjoy the subtle drafting of M10 and use once more cards that we will miss like
Mutavault, the whole faerie, kithkin and elemental squads, kitchen finks,
hideaway lands, reflecting pools etc.

****Saturday 19/09/09 ****

Standard Tournament – 12h00 – 10 Eur

If we have 32 or more players those are the prizes:

1st 2 boxes
2nd 24 boosters
3rd 12 boosters
4th 12 boosters
5th 8 boosters
6th 8 boosters
7th 6 boosters
8th 6 boosters

Moreover players will have a choice to receive their prize either in Zendikar
on the day of the official release on October the 2nd or directly in the form
of M2010.
****Sunday 20/09/09 - A day full of drafting****

Draft M2010

Draft 1: 12h00
Draft 2: 15h30
Draft 3: 19h30

10E for one draft, 18E for two drafts, 25E for all three events.




Nombre de messages : 205
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye.... Empty Re: 19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye....

Message  neoatomium Ven 18 Sep - 17:30

Je suis dans le caca, le gars qui devait me passer une tonne de carte ne pourra pas me les refiler.
Du coup, j'ai besoin pour demain de

4 Glacial Fortress (terrain WU M10)
4 Mystic Gate (filter WU shadowmoor)
1 Wanderwine Hub (le terrain lorwyn pour les poissons)
3 Mutavault

2 Wake Thrasher
1 Merfolk Sovereign
1 Sower of Temptation
2 Harm's Way
2 Burrenton Forge-Tender
2 Ethersworn Canonist
(3 Cryptic Command)

Merci ^^

Nombre de messages : 3316
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2009
Age : 39
Localisation : Leignon

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19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye.... Empty Re: 19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye....

Message  Swap Ven 18 Sep - 23:37

J'ai tout je les prends avec moi.

Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache Mustache

Nombre de messages : 2967
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye.... Empty Re: 19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye....

Message  MoTo Sam 19 Sep - 11:24

5 Glacial Fortress (terrain WU M10)
4 Mystic Gate (filter WU shadowmoor)
4 Wanderwine Hub (le terrain lorwyn pour les poissons)
4 Mutavault

4 Wake Thrasher
6 Merfolk Sovereign
4 Sower of Temptation
8 Harm's Way
6 Burrenton Forge-Tender
7 Ethersworn Canonist
(8 Cryptic Command)

Nombre de messages : 5338
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2009
Age : 43

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19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye.... Empty Re: 19/09 - 20/09 - Outpost Brussels - A weekend to say Goodbye....

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