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07/09 Magic Celebration

Emmanuelle et Emilien
6 participants

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07/09 Magic Celebration Empty 07/09 Magic Celebration

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Mer 17 Juil - 7:42

Comme chaque année, Wizards of the Coast envoie à tous les organisateurs Core (niveau nécessaire pour organiser FNM et avant-premières) et Advanced (niveau nécessaire pour organiser des GPT) de quoi organiser un événement gratuit en simili-scellé principalement destiné aux nouveaux joueurs.

La page destinée aux joueurs :
Le lien vers le PDF destiné aux organisateurs :

Si vous avez une connaissance qui a été accroché par Duels of the Planeswalkers, c'est l'occasion de l'amener auprès de votre organisateur préféré. Smile
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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07/09 Magic Celebration Empty Re: 07/09 Magic Celebration

Message  Juan Mer 17 Juil - 11:00

On organise l'event sur La Louvière, bienvenue à tous, plus d'infos suivront... ^^

Nombre de messages : 691
Date d'inscription : 02/04/2009
Age : 45
Localisation : Fontaine L'évêque

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07/09 Magic Celebration Empty Re: 07/09 Magic Celebration

Message  Exstrange Mer 17 Juil - 11:22

Pas accès à Wizard depuis le taf... (on le saura Smile )

Quelqu'un pour expliquer de quoi ça s'agit? Very Happy 


Nombre de messages : 2063
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2009
Age : 39
Localisation : Bruxelles

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07/09 Magic Celebration Empty Re: 07/09 Magic Celebration

Message  Zaptain Mer 17 Juil - 11:42

September 7, 2013
Schedule in Wizards Event Reporter July 8 - August 7, 2013
Magic™ Celebration is the must attend Magic event of the year! It brings together
your entire community of players and lets them build decks, play casual games, and
receive a Booster Pack for participating - all at no charge!
Running Magic Celebration is a great way to instantly grow your store’s community.
It’s an exciting event that shows new players the thrill of Magic organized play.
Players that have fun and enjoy playing games with their friends at your store are
likely to attend your future events and become long term customers.
Magic Celebration has a brand new format that’s a great way to introduce players to
the concept of sealed deck. Players will build decks using:
• 1 Magic 2014 Core Set Booster Pack
• 1 Magic 2014 Core Set Sample Deck of the player’s choice, after the player has
opened their booster pack
Decks are created by combining desired cards from the Booster Pack with the entire
Sample Deck. The event is open play, and once a player has completed three matches
they’ll be awarded a Magic 2014 Core Set Booster Pack as a prize.
Participants will receive an Planeswalker Points Achievement Badge for attending
the event when you report their play in Wizards Event Reporter. Make sure to
encourage new players to sign up for their DCI numbers and let them know that they
can view their Achievements online at
Magic Celebration Event Kit*:
36 Magic 2014 Core Set Booster Packs
20 Magic 2014 Core Set Sample Decks
20 Activity Cards
20 Flyers promoting the next Magic set, Theros™
10 DCI™ cards
*Each Magic Celebration kit contains support for 18 players. WPN Core level stores will receive one kit.
WPN Advanced level stores will receive two kits.

Dernière édition par Zaptain le Mer 17 Juil - 11:44, édité 1 fois

Nombre de messages : 1270
Date d'inscription : 15/05/2010

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07/09 Magic Celebration Empty Re: 07/09 Magic Celebration

Message  AntoineR Mar 3 Sep - 16:26

Y en aura un à Bruxelles?


Nombre de messages : 89
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2012

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07/09 Magic Celebration Empty Re: 07/09 Magic Celebration

Message  Reinout Mar 3 Sep - 16:27

AntoineR a écrit:Y en aura un à Bruxelles?


Play Magic FOR FREE!
Play a special format event with your friends, compliments of Wizards of the Coast!

* When: Saturday 07/09 starting at 12h00
* What do you get?: Each Magic Celebration player receives one Magic 2014 Core Set booster pack** and achievement card**. After opening your booster pack, you'll choose a Magic 2014 Core Set Sample Deck** to add cards from your booster pack to. (**While supplies last)
* How to play?: Magic Celebration is a special format event. To play, open your booster pack and choose a color of cards from your booster you want to play. Then, ask the tournament organizer for a Magic 2014 Core Set Sample Deck of that color to use as the rest of your deck.

Shuffle the cards you want to play from your booster pack into your sample deck and play three best-of-three matches with different opponents.

* Prizes: When you've played all of your matches, show your completed score card (on the back of your achievement card) to the tournament organizer to receive an additional Magic 2014 Core Set booster pack as a prize!


Nombre de messages : 242
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2012

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07/09 Magic Celebration Empty Re: 07/09 Magic Celebration

Message  AntoineR Mer 4 Sep - 10:01

Merci, mes fils l'ont raté l'an passé et je sais que ça leur plairait.

Maintenant ça va être chaud à combiner avec l'entrainement de rugby du matin...


Nombre de messages : 89
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2012

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07/09 Magic Celebration Empty Re: 07/09 Magic Celebration

Message  Exstrange Mer 4 Sep - 10:12

Perso, je pick tous les jours un entraînement de rugby sur une magic celebration Very Happy 


Nombre de messages : 2063
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2009
Age : 39
Localisation : Bruxelles

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07/09 Magic Celebration Empty Re: 07/09 Magic Celebration

Message  AntoineR Mer 4 Sep - 11:51

Excellent choix Party

PS nous c'est au Kibubu


Nombre de messages : 89
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2012

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07/09 Magic Celebration Empty Re: 07/09 Magic Celebration

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Contenu sponsorisé

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