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RG aggro

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Message  Nico Truc Mar 11 Aoû - 11:01

à tous ceux qui pensent que je me trouve des excuses quand je dis que RG Warriors ou Jacky Gruul Control seraient des decks viables si je gagnais le toss et ne recontrais pas trop de Kithkins:

"PTQ Madison *Top 8* by Bob Baker
August 10th, 2009
About a month or so ago, around the time of the 5k in MN, I just got sick of playing all of the decks in standard and decided if I was going to play standard I was going to have fun doing it. I remembered a block PTQ a while back that I was judging at were some guy was beating up on kids with Giantbaiting. It seemed like fun then so I jumped on that train and never looked back. I wavered for a bit in Chicago last weekend, but only because BRazz had Seth’s filter lands and was in Boston and Seth had shotgunned the deck before I could. Anyway I got to shotgun the deck for Madison and this is it.
“Why are we doing this?!” - Giantbaiting’s lost flavor text.
4 Nettle Sentinel
2 Wild Nacatl
4 Bramblewood Paragon
4 Wren’s Run Vanquisher
4 Boggart Ram-Gang
4 Giantbaiting
2 Imperious Perfect
4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Flame Javelin
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Fire-lit Thicket
8 Mountains
8 Forests
3 Snakeform
3 Chameleon Colossus
3 Kitchen Finks
4 Volcanic Fallout
2 Magma Phoenix
I added the Perfects the morning of the PTQ and they were insane all day. The sideboard was mostly garbage and was basically only 6 cards: Snakeforms and Chameleon Colossi, though I did bring in the Finks in the Quarters.
Round 1 VS Curtis AKA Giantbaiting Guy with RW Swans
It was pretty ironic to playing against Giantbaiting Guy with Giantbaiting, and I was so giddy it basically took all of my concentration not to spill the beans and ruin the surprise.
Game 1
I opened on Nettle Sentinel, Forest and Curtis made some comment about me playing Combo Elves, which happens a lot. He played an Ancient Amphitheater tapped. Turn 2 I got him for 2 and played a Paragon. Curtis played some other land that didn’t do anything. Turn 3 he took 12 from a conspired Giantbaiting. We high five and he scooped ‘em up.
I had no idea what he was playing so I just brought in Snakeform because they are good against everything. I took out 2 Wild Nacatls and a Giantbaiting because I was going to be on the draw which makes Giantbaiting slightly worse.
Game 2
I played threats, he killed them. I played more threats, he took a bunch of damage. At some point he played a Swans, I EOT Bolted it which drew me more than enough gas in the form a Bloodbraid Elf to kill him.
Round 2 VS Jed 5c
Game 1
This would be the first of many rounds where I spent more time on procedure than playing Magic. We shuffled for a while, I mulliganed into a hand that was too slow and lost to a Baneslayer Angel. It actually sucked for Jed because if I had not seen Baneslayer in Game 1 he might have won the next game because I probably wouldn’t have brought in the Snakeform that sealed the deal.
Game 2
We shuffled for a bit and I open on Nettle Sentinel, Paragon. He opened on Vivid lands. On turn 4 or so I conspired a Giantbaiting. He said “Sure, you get two 4/4s,” at which point I put the tokens onto the battlefield and moved to put the counters on them. At that point he said in response he wanted to Volcanic Fallout. It was pretty clear to me that he didn’t realize he was about to get wrecked for all but 2 of his life points and was trying to save himself 4 damage, 1 from each counter and 2 from the Sentinel. We called a judge and 6 minutes or so later I had one 5/5 Giant and one 4/4 Giant, which is probably the fairest thing that could happen (good work judges). He died the next turn to a burn spell.
Game 3
The only notes I have for this game were that I was on the draw and his life total went 20, 14, 7, 1. I won.
Round 3 VS Lissa with Primalcrux
I was pretty sure that if Lissa actually played any of her huge monsters that I would just lose so I jumped on the “my opponent gets mana screwed twice” plan and it worked. Nice life amiright? Sorry Lissa.
Round 4 VS Andrea with 5c
It took me awhile to get Andrea’s name right because he was from Italy and his accent combined with my inability to hear people too effectively made understanding him quite the chore. Never the less we managed to have a lengthy conversation about the “what it was like to be in a foreign country” and such. I won the die role.
Game 1
All I have is his life total looking like this: 18, 10, 0. This is another one of those more shuffling than playing rounds.
Game 2
I came out of the gates pretty strongly, but he finally managed to stabilize and I figured I was dead to the Cruel I was sure he had in his hand because he kept drawing a card and passing while I just kept putting lands on the battlefield. When he finally did draw a land it entered the battlefield tapped and I finally drew a Bloodbraid Elf, cascaded into a Ram –Gang and bashed. He showed me a hand with only one counter and a few other uncastable spells and that’s game!
Round 5 VS Joe with Kithkin
Kithkin is basically an unwinnable matchup because it has all these lifelinking, firststriking, flying monsters. I was just hoping to dodge it all day because you really don’t expect it to win in a sea of 5c decks, but I was not so lucky.
Game 1
I mulliganed into a loose hand and lose, go figure.
Game 2
My friend Seth was standing behind the guy at this point and apparently he kept 5 lands and 2 Honor of the Pure and he lost. Go figure.
Game 3
I mulliganed twice into a pretty awesome five card hand and could probably steal the match if I draw a Paragon on turn 2. I don’t and he casts 3x Wizened Cenn, 2x Forge Tender.
Round 6 VS Mike With 4 lands that make Green or White mana.
I only saw Mike play four lands total over both games. I have no idea what else was in his deck or why he kept a double filter land hand in game 2. It marked the fourth round where I shuffled more than I played.
I also am pretty sure this was the round I lost my pen along with ever single round following it. So, thank you Pete for always having a million pens and standing near where I had to play for the rest of the day.
Round 7 VS Tayler with 5c Cascade
Everyone seemed pretty sure that if I won this round I could draw in so I was pretty excited about the possibility of making my first Top 8.
Game 1
Out of the whole tournament, I seriously just cannot remember anything about this game. You would think it would’ve been some other game earlier on, but you would be wrong. Regardless, I won.
Game 2
I mulliganed twice, but still manage to make a game of it. Unfortunately all of his cards are really two cards and one was even three cards, so he got me.
It’s at this point I realized that his deck had no way to kill a Chameleon Colossus so I brought in three and shuffled up.
Game 3
He started off with a mulligan and I kept a hand with a Ram-Gang, a Chameleon Colossus (CC), a Snakeform and four lands. I obv draw a Paragon and start wrecking him. On turn 4 I played a CC and it got a +1/+1 counter; he couldn’t do anything but chump block. At some point he ran out of blockers and died.
Since I have no idea how to do Top 8 math, I have Brian “BK” Kowal tell me what to do in the last round. He tells me I have to play, so I just pray to see Vivid lands.
Round 8 VS Luke with 5c Cascade
Luke was a friend of Curtis and we had known we might have to play; he wasn’t excited because he had just watched me crush the same deck, but hopeful because he had Captured Sunlight. I won the die roll and he was visibly upset.
Game 1
He played lands that entered the battlefield tapped and got too far behind to do anything relevant. Not even Captured Sunlight was good enough.
Game 2
This is where my brain started to turn off and I’m pretty sure I threw this game away. I don’t remember much about it simply because I tried to forget it happened to avoid going on tilt.
Game 3
The only part of this game I remember is at the end when I thought I had tapped out to cast a Ram-Gang and smash Luke down to 2. Afterwards, I’m told that I was in fact not tapped out and could’ve Bolted him to dead. Fortunately he didn’t have anything on his turn and I won anyways. If Luke happens to read this, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to slow roll you my brain was just turned off for a bit there.
After the match I ran over to Rashad Miller who was going to stream the Top 8 live over the internet, and told him he had to start on me because my deck was so sweet. He was skeptical, but I showed him a Giantbaiting and told him my deck may or may not have four copies of said card and he was on board.
The Top 8 looked really favorable for me because there was only one Kithkin deck and we were on opposite sides of the bracket. I was also confident that my friend Collin would just crush him with 5c in the Quarters leaving me with only one matchup I was unsure of: Aaron playing the Naya Solution. But Aaron was also in the other bracket, and if I met either Aaron or Collin in the Finals I’d be happy regardless of the outcome. Ok, I’d be less happy if I lost, but I’m only human.
Top 8 QF against Peter with Blightning
Blighting is not the most exciting of matchups, but it’s not unwinnable. In fact I think this was probably the first match I played all day that I didn’t expect to be a complete blowout in either direction, but I was wrong.
Game 1
Peter started with a mulligan and then we were off. I cast Nettle Sentinel, Paragon, Ram-Gang, Bloodbraid Elf into Giantbaiting and conspired it. If you were watching the game live you got to see quite the spectacle; unfortunately Rashad wasn’t recording so it’s not on the play back, but game 2 is. So instead of a poor description here’s the video courtesy of
Semis VS Matt with 5c Cascade.
At this point everything felt pretty surreal. It looked like I was going to get to play against Vivid lands for the next two rounds and pretty much everyone around me was rooting me on except for one guy who was friends with Matt (but even he seemed to think I was infallible). On top of all that, I was only two matches away from Q’ing for my first PT with Giantbaiting of all cards. In my mind I was already brewing up some sick Extended deck to take to Austin, and what I should’ve been doing was playing Magic against Matt.
Game 1
I mulliganed into the nuts, Matt tried to stem the bleeding with a Kitchen Finks. It wasn’t enough and he died on turn 5.
Game 2
There is only one play of this entire game that matters and that I can even remember at all. At some point Matt was tapped out on 7 life and I had Bolt and Javelin in my hand with Forest, Forest, filter land, filter land. If I had been playing Standard with Matt instead of thinking how awesome playing in Austin was going to be I would’ve realized that I could make RRRR and win; instead I lost.
Game 3
I have the nuts: 2x Sentinel, Paragon, 2x Giantbaiting, Forest, Mountain. I have two turns to draw one land and it’s all over. About seven cards later I tell Matt he better win and shake his hand.
The deck was awesome, I only had to play against Kithkin once, the Top 8 was mine to lose and I did. I could make some kind of excuse, but I won’t. I should’ve won and I didn’t. Next time I’ll play Magic instead of dreaming about a prize I haven’t won. Thanks to everyone who was cheering me on; I’m sorry I let you guys down.
Hopefully I’ll be able to make one more PTQ. If I can, here’s what I’ll play:
“Why are we doing this?!” - Giantbaiting’s lost flavor text.
4 Nettle Sentinel
2 Twinblade Slasher
4 Bramblewood Paragon
4 Wren’s Run Vanquisher
4 Boggart Ram-Gang
4 Giantbaiting
2 Imperious Perfect
4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Flame Javelin
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Fire-lit Thicket
8 Mountain
8 Forest
4 Snakeform
4 Chameleon Colossus
4 Kitchen Finks
3 Volcanic Fallout
About the author: Bob Baker is an up and coming PTQ stalwart from the hallowed gaming grounds of Madison, Wisconsin. His playgroup has included noted Wisconsin luminaries like Tommy Kolowith, Adrian Sullivan, and Brian “BK” Kowal. This was his first Pro Tour Qualifier Top 8."

source: starkintonpost
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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RG aggro Empty Re: RG aggro

Message  Nico Truc Mar 11 Aoû - 11:04

de plus, Jelle (un flamand) a atteint le top8 de l'invit OP avec un monoG elf warriors... pas très significatif comme résult?! Ok, bon ben alors je précise qu'il a un peu modifié sa liste et... gagné le PTQ Austin du dimanche à Brighton cheers

PS: sans oublier les Nats Be
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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RG aggro Empty Re: RG aggro

Message  Nico Truc Jeu 20 Aoû - 10:03

top8 UK !!

G/R Elf Aggro
A Standard deck, by Mark Glenister
8th place at a Nationals tournament in Brighton, Great Britain on 2009-08-09
As reported at


4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Boggart Ram-gang
4 Figure Of Destiny
4 Jund Hackblade
4 Tattermunge Maniac

3 Colossal Might
4 Flame Javelin
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Manamorphose
4 Volcanic Fallout

Basic Lands
3 Forest
12 Mountain

4 Fire-lit Thicket
4 Rootbound Crag

4 Great Sable Stag
2 Everlasting Torment
2 Manabarbs
1 Puncture Blast
4 Unwilling Recruit
2 Tarfire
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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RG aggro Empty Re: RG aggro

Message  Nico Truc Ven 21 Aoû - 11:04

et plus ça va, et plus ça ressemble à Jacky Gruul Control:

G/R Elf Aggro
A Standard deck, by Chris Stegall
8th place at a Pro Tour Qualifier tournament in San Antonio, Texas, United States on 2009-08-09
As reported at
Click here to see a summary of all decks from PT: Austin PTQ Season


4 Ball Lightning
4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Boartusk Liege
4 Boggart Ram-gang
4 Figure Of Destiny
4 Hellspark Elemental
4 Jund Hackblade
3 Tattermunge Maniac

3 Flame Javelin
4 Lightning Bolt

Basic Lands
2 Forest
13 Mountain

4 Fire-lit Thicket
4 Rootbound Crag

2 Pithing Needle
2 Everlasting Torment
3 Manabarbs
3 Chaotic Backlash
3 Snakeform
2 Earthquake
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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RG aggro Empty Re: RG aggro

Message  Ben Ven 21 Aoû - 17:19

Autant je suis très d'accord sur le deck Warrior (même avec du R) qui est excellent et assez synergique, autant mettre Ball Lightning dans un deck ... C'est vraiment croire que faeries ne va pas être du tout joué (genre peppersmoke existe toujours et agony warp, ça fait toujours du deux pour un).

Enfin, Jacky Gruul control, c'est pas mal comme nom de deck Very Happy !

Nombre de messages : 1960
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2009
Age : 41
Localisation : Liège

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RG aggro Empty Re: RG aggro

Message  Swap Ven 21 Aoû - 17:47

Ca reste des decks basic très peu intéressant à jouer où tu vas rarement faire un joli play simplement car le deck ne t'en offre pas la possibilité.

Nombre de messages : 2967
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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RG aggro Empty Re: RG aggro

Message  xAme Ven 21 Aoû - 19:02

Swap a écrit:Ca reste des decks basic très peu intéressant à jouer où tu vas rarement faire un joli play simplement car le deck ne t'en offre pas la possibilité.

BoooOOooaaaAa! GrRrRrRr! Faut pas tjs être subtil pour s'éclater à mtg cheers

Nombre de messages : 580
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2008
Localisation : Bxl

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RG aggro Empty Re: RG aggro

Message  Cwell Ven 21 Aoû - 19:03

Merci d'avoir mis des mots sur l'envie de gerber qui me prenait en regardant les decklists, Swap Very Happy

Nombre de messages : 117
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2009

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RG aggro Empty Re: RG aggro

Message  Nico Truc Lun 24 Aoû - 10:46

Ben a écrit:Autant je suis très d'accord sur le deck Warrior (même avec du R) qui est excellent et assez synergique, autant mettre Ball Lightning dans un deck ... C'est vraiment croire que faeries ne va pas être du tout joué (genre peppersmoke existe toujours et agony warp, ça fait toujours du deux pour un).

Enfin, Jacky Gruul control, c'est pas mal comme nom de deck Very Happy !

effectivement, comme Amand me l'a fait remarqué dimanche, Ball Lightning n'est pas le meilleur choix. Hell's Thunder est dans la plupart des cas meilleur.
j'adore le nom aussi mais c'est plutot le Français qui jouait Maurice Gruul Control qui peut en réclamer la paternité.

pour le report de dimanche, je vais faire rapide. En préambule j’étais clairement pas dans des conditions optimales suite au mariage auquel j’ai participé la veille.

R1 : Mike avec Kithkins. Je lance un 16, il me dit « ça part bien pour toi », il lance un 17.
G1 : il mulligane à 5. je garde une main 3 mountain, 1 forest, 1 chieftain, 1 liege, 1 colossal might. Il me dit « ça part mal pour moi », je réponds « garde la winning attitude. De toute façon ça se joue en 3 games ». je ne piocherai que des lands. Il me tue en 4 attaques et finit à 22PV. J’ai quand meme le tps de me faire « contrer » la colossal might par Laps of Certainty (MD donc). RG aggro 603457
G2 : je garde une main 1 moutain, 1 fire-lit, 1 colossal might, 1 hackblade, 1 ball lightning, 1 snakeform, 1 bloodbraid. Je ne piocherai pas de land avant le T5. pendant ce temps, il s’est largement développé et me tue à nouveau en 4 attaques.

R2 : Manu. J’espère bourrer un Faerie… mais il joue Jund aggro. Je lance un 8 (avec 2 D6) et lui un 9. Mad
G1 : je sais que je fais une connerie en « sacrifiant » un hackblade 3/2 alors que le tour suivant je peux caster le liege qui l’aurait rendu autrement plus problématique pour Manu. Comme je n’arrive pas à le tuer rapidement, le midgame est favorable à Jund aggro et je perds logiquement.
G2 : la game qui sauve ma journée. T1 : maniac, T2 : hackblade, T3 : ram-gang, T4 : bloodbraid qui révèle bolt pour se débarrasser de son bloqueur (ram-gang), T5 : hackblade attack ftw. C’est pas fin mais c’est aussi jouissif qu’un gun fight à la Tarantino. Twisted Evil
G3 : je garde une main à 7 dont une seule mountain avec maniac et bolt. J’ai assez bien flairé le coup puisque je pioche 3 lands à la suite, mais c’est 3 mountains et je meurs très rapidement face à la très grosse sortie de Manu et ayant en main bloodbraid, hackblade et snakeform. A noter encore un bon coup de nawak chez moi : T2 mon maniac attaque dans sa leech. Quand il pump je la bolt. Alors que je m’apprete à mettre bolt et maniac au grave, Vincent me fait remarqué que le maniac reste en ajoutant « blabla M10, damage on the stack… » du coup j’en oublie de poser mon land. RG aggro 681955

R3 : Niels, BG Elf.
G1 : j’ai gagné le toss, ça va dérouler sec :pirat: oopa puisque je doit prendre mon 1er mulligan. Je fais une sortie toute moisie mais la sienne est pire puisqu’il floode. Je la gagne en m’ayant vu chez lui que Llanowar, Colossus et 3 Nameless.
G2 : y’a pas vraiment de game puisqu’il entame très vite à coup de double leech protégées par pulse qui fait du 2 pour 1.
G3 : une game vraiment sympa où je pense prendre un avantage décisif en gérant son colossus au snakeform. Malheureusement ensuite il caste 2 perfect alors qu’il y en a déjà 1 on board. je vais perdre le tour suivant. J’attaque donc en espérant le tuer grace à colossal might s’il n’optimise pas ses blocks. Mais il fait ça bien et je le laisse à 1PV.

À 0-3, je me suis décidé à arreter les frais. Trop fatigué, je suis rentré chez moi. Aujourd’hui je le regrette un peu : y’avait quand meme une tripotée de gusses sympas que je ne vois pas assez souvent. J’aurais peut etre du rester profiter de l’ambiance.
Je suis déçu, pas par les perf du deck, après tout il fait exactement ce que je m’attends à ce qu’il fasse, mais parce qu’à nouveau je n’ai pas rencontré de deck control.
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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RG aggro Empty Re: RG aggro

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