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09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels

4 participants

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09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels Empty 09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels

Message  akritas Mer 6 Mai - 16:53

This Saturday Outpost Brussels will be open until the small hours for a PC white night event.
But PC players should not be the only ones having fun. Let's forget a little Nationals, GPTs,
PTQs and let's try something different for this Saturday night: Total Chaos Draft.
Not only mix and match sets but also languages. Russian, French, English:
13 different expansions, all mixed up ready for random picking. Combine
the multicolor madness of the Alara universe with the various Ravica Guilds.
Use Lorwyn tribes together with the hybrids of Shadowmoor. Fare well to
the soon departing 10th edition and throw in a little bit of Planar Chaos to round up
the mix. And most of all: Have some fun.

Time: 21:00
Date: 09/05/2009
Format: Total Chaos Draft
Entry fee: 10E
Where: Outpost Brussels



Nombre de messages : 205
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels

Message  Nico Truc Mer 6 Mai - 18:26

ça aurait été sans doute mémorable... mais je ne pourrais pas etre là Sad
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels

Message  arktos Mer 6 Mai - 20:17

Moi non, le lendemain, c'est NQ, et je dois pas me coucher trop tard...

Nombre de messages : 1969
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2009
Age : 53

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09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels

Message  MoTo Jeu 7 Mai - 9:24

Je bosse jusqu'à 22H je peux être là à 22h30 mais 21h pas possible

Nombre de messages : 5338
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2009
Age : 43

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09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels Empty Re: 09/05/09 - Total Chaos Draft-Outpost Brussels

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