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02/08/09 - Outpost Brussels - Double Draft M10

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02/08/09 - Outpost Brussels - Double Draft M10 Empty 02/08/09 - Outpost Brussels - Double Draft M10

Message  akritas Lun 27 Juil - 17:54

This Sunday the Outpost Invitational comes to Brussels. The top 24 players
of the Outpost Tracker will battle it out for generous prizes and bragging rights.
If you want to be part of the action we offer in parallel a double dose of M10
so you can follow the Invitational while drafting with the very successful new
base set.

Double Draft M10
Starting Time: 12:00
Entry Fee: 18 Euro
Prizes: 0.5 booster per player

The Outpost Invitational:
Starts: 12:00
Entry: Free, by Invitation only
Format: Standard with top 8
Prizes: 3 boosters per player, a T-Shirt and a life counter for all
participants and a FOIL UNCUT FACTORY SHEET (commons) for the first.



Nombre de messages : 205
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009

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