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[16-05-2010] Vintage @ Breda:The Dutch Vintage Tournament XII

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[16-05-2010] Vintage @ Breda:The Dutch Vintage Tournament XII Empty [16-05-2010] Vintage @ Breda:The Dutch Vintage Tournament XII

Message  hyst Ven 16 Avr - 19:20

Pour ceux qui ne sauraient aller au BoM 4, voici de quoi faire ce week-end:

The Dutch Vintage Tournament XII
Breda, The Netherlands
Sunday, May 16st, 2010

Gemeenschapshuis De Belcrum
Pastoor Pottersplein 12
4815 BC Breda
The Netherlands

Tournament Format: Non-sanctioned Vintage. (Up to 10 proxies are allowed.) Modified Swiss with single-elimination top 8.
Although this event is unsanctioned, it will be run at a Competitive rules enforcement level and deck lists are required.

Contact: Arjan, Bos, Marius van Zundert
Phone number: +316-48789810 or +316-10358660
Time: Registration is from 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM. Tournament Starts at 11:00 AM promptly.

Entry Fee:
Pre-registration: € 10, Cash only!!!
Send an e-mail to
Reply in the correct Topic on The Mana Crypt (

At the doors: € 12,50 Cash only!!!

Prize support is sponsored by the internet shop of Rudy Meijer and he will be at the tournament with his collection for trading, selling and buying cards.

The prize support for this tournament is:
1st place UNL Mox
2nd place Mana Drain

For the Rest of the Top players there will be Duals, Fetches and/or other Vintage staples.

1st and 2nd place Prizes are GUARANTEED by and the Tournament organization regardless of attendance!


Plus d'infos ici:


Nombre de messages : 29
Date d'inscription : 21/03/2009

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