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Orgie de QT a Londres en Aout

Emmanuelle et Emilien
El Tombo
La Menagere
14 participants

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Orgie de QT a Londres en Aout - Page 2 Empty Re: Orgie de QT a Londres en Aout

Message  thomass Sam 24 Juil - 11:16

Les Nats anglais arrivent petit à petit, donc je relance le post!

Matf et moi meme sommes toujours chaud pour aller voler quelques slots à ces alcolos d'Anglais Cool
d'autres motives?

Nombre de messages : 1498
Date d'inscription : 28/09/2008

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Message  MoTo Sam 24 Juil - 12:06


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Date d'inscription : 26/03/2009
Age : 43

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Orgie de QT a Londres en Aout - Page 2 Empty Re: Orgie de QT a Londres en Aout

Message  Darth Max Dim 25 Juil - 11:59

J'accompagnerais bien aussi

Darth Max

Nombre de messages : 123
Date d'inscription : 11/04/2009

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Orgie de QT a Londres en Aout - Page 2 Empty Re: Orgie de QT a Londres en Aout

Message  Nico Truc Dim 22 Aoû - 21:35

les Français n'y sont pas allé pour faire de la figuration:

Extrait du coverage officiel de wizard

# Saturday 10.54am – Allez les Bleus!
by Rich Hagon

So, you probably know that this is Great Britain nationals, right? Well, apparently some people didn't get the memo, as an intrepid band of French raiders have variously Eurostarred, Easyjetted, Yachted, and in the case of Olivier Ruel walked on water, in order to attend what is an incredible line-up of public events this weekend.

I chatted with Grand Prix regular Anthony Dorle about the gallic warband.

'A friend who lives in London posted on the French Magic forums that there were going to be four PTQs. That never happens in France, never. We all came together on the forum, and the price was right, so here we are. The strange thing is, that from my local airport Bergerac, it's impossible to fly to Paris. London? Seven times a day!'

Here they are indeed, and the success has already been tremendous. Maxim Gateaud and Jonathan Valentime both made the top 8 of the PTQ yesterday. The fantastically-named Arnaud Villain was in the Thursday PTQ top 8, and has bagged himself three byes by winning a Grand Prix trial. Alexandre Riviere also has a trial top 8 to his name.

The big winner so far has been Guillaume Barbier. On Thursday he went all the way to the final of the PTQ, and late last night went one better, claiming the fabled blue envelope, guaranteeing him a seat at the first pro tour of 2011, wherever that may be.

Away from the PTQs, success has come for two well-known names. Lucas Florent is developing a reputation for himself as a contender at Pro Tour level, while Olivier Ruel probably doesn't need much of an introduction. Hall of Fame should be enough to jog your memory. Both of these players won their respective M11 Rotisserie drafts yesterday, meaning that they qualify for the final tomorrow, where they will draft a complete foil set rotisserie style. The winner gets an entire foil M11 set, which sounds a bit good to me.

Players with Pro Tour experience who have yet to get off the mark include Dorle, Liking Saiyesely, and Grand Prix Seattle winner Yann Massicard. For these three, two more PTQs beckon. But will they win? Not according to Richard Moore, the 2005 English national champion...

'Well, look at it this way. On Thursday, when all the good English players were available, an Englishman won the PTQ. (That Englishman was Moore, by the way.) Tomorrow, when most of the good English players will be available, apart from the nationals top 8, obviously an Englishman will win again!'

Win or lose, the French squad are determined to have a good time. Said Saiyesely, 'London's one of the great cities of the world. Four PTQs, other great public events, it's great!'
Nico Truc
Nico Truc

Nombre de messages : 6408
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2009
Age : 48
Localisation : niveau 39

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