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27/1: Legacy @ OPG

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27/1: Legacy @ OPG Empty 27/1: Legacy @ OPG

Message  NiRVeS Mar 23 Jan - 13:21

Another Legacy Constructed in Outpost Ghent.
Win Duals and Iconic Master Boosters!

When : 27th of January
Doors : 11h00 - Start : 12h00
Entry Fee : 20euro
Format : Legacy

Prizes :

With 20 players
1st : 1 Badlands (slightly played) + 1 Iconic Master Booster
2nd : 1 Scrubland (Good) + 1 Iconic Master Booster
3rd-4th : 5 Iconic Masters Boosters
5th-8th : 3 Iconic Masters Boosters
Each extra entry will put 2 Iconic Master Boosters in the prize pool.
With 21 players 9th gets 2 Iconic Masters Boosters
With 22 players 9th & 10th get 2 Iconic Masters Boosters...

With 33 players :
1st : 1 Badlands (slightly played) + 1 Force of will
2nd : 1 Scrubland (Good) + 2 Iconic Master Booster
3rd-4th : 9 Iconic Masters Boosters
5th-8th : 5 Iconic Masters Boosters
9th-12th : 2 Iconic Masters Boosters
With 34 players 13th gets 2 Iconic Masters Boosters
With 35 players 13th & 14th get 2 Iconic Masters Boosters...

A playset (4) of Silvergill Adept (PROMO) will be given away randomly.


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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