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Liste des GP 2010

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Message  Joey Jeu 5 Nov - 10:53

Feb. 13-14 Oakland, USA Extended
Feb. 27-28 Madrid, Spain Legacy
March 13-14 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Standard
March 20-21 Yokohama, Japan Extended
March 27-28 Brussels, Belgium Standard
April 3-4 Houston, USA Extended
May 8-9 Lyon, France "Prosper" Limited
May 22-23 Baltimore, USA Standard
June 5-6 Sendai, Japan Standard
June 12-13 Manila, Philippines Standard
July 31-Aug. 1 Columbus, USA Legacy
Aug. 28-29 Gothenburg, Sweden M11 Limited
Sept. 11-12 Portland, USA M11 Limited
Oct. 9-10 Sydney, Australia "Lights" Limited
Oct. 23-24 Toronto, Canada "Lights" Limited
Oct. 30-31 Bochum, Germany "Lights" Limited
Nov. 13-14 Nashville, USA "Lights" Limited
Nov. 27-28 Florence, Italy "Lights" Limited

The first six Grand Prix of the year provide invitations to Pro Tour–San Juan (May 28-30). Kicking off the 2010 season is Grand Prix–Oakland, taking place one week before Pro Tour–San Diego to make for an easy GP-PT combination trip. Madrid, Kuala Lumpur, Yokohama, Brussels, and Houston round out the rest of the San Juan set of Grand Prix from February to April, featuring Extended, Legacy, and Standard formats.

The middle set of Grand Prix feeds Pro Tour–Amsterdam (September 3-5) and runs from May to early August. Lyon, Baltimore, Sendai, Manila, and Columbus host Grand Prix in this stretch, with the event in Baltimore the week before Pro Tour–San Juan for easier travel coordination. Formats in this set include "Prosper" Sealed Deck/Booster Draft, Standard, and Legacy.

The final set of Grand Prix in 2010 runs from late August to November and feeds the first Pro Tour of 2011 (date and site to be determined). All seven of these Grand Prix are Limited, split between Magic 2011 and "Lights". For travelers en route to Pro Tour–Amsterdam, stop over in Gothenburg, Sweden the week before to make it a two-week Magic adventure. Portland, Sydney, Toronto, Bochum, Nashville, and Florence round out the season.

Carte Promo : Umezawa's Jitte
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Dernière édition par Joey le Dim 26 Déc - 17:56, édité 1 fois

Nombre de messages : 7876
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2008
Age : 42
Localisation : Bruxelles

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Message  neoatomium Jeu 5 Nov - 11:12

raaaah enfin du standard à Bxl Very Happy
ouais non euuuuuh on parle pas du même standard hein 🐰

Nombre de messages : 3316
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2009
Age : 39
Localisation : Leignon

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Message  PuK Jeu 5 Nov - 14:14

OMG legacy en Espagne !!!!



Nombre de messages : 980
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2009

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Message  MoTo Jeu 5 Nov - 14:50

PuK a écrit:


Jusqu'à preuve du contraire, Wizard ne sponso plus le Team Rochester, donc tu dois te tromper, c'est du t2 à Bxl!

Nombre de messages : 5338
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2009
Age : 43

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Message  Pierreg Jeu 5 Nov - 16:14

woooom pwoooooinnnn pwaalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (à prononcer avec un accent "nasal")

Nombre de messages : 383
Date d'inscription : 31/05/2009

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