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WMC and WMCQ Changes

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WMC and WMCQ Changes Empty WMC and WMCQ Changes

Message  Joey Lun 8 Fév - 15:06

Wizards of the Coast a écrit:World Magic Cup Qualifiers

We have decided to modify the previously announced formats for this year's World Magic Cup Qualifiers so that two of the WMCQs are Modern Constructed rather than one. The formats for each WMCQ are below, with the format change in bold:
June 18–19: Standard Constructed
July 9–10: Modern Constructed
September 17–18: Modern Constructed

Two-Day WMCQs
Last year, due to the size of World Magic Cup Qualifiers in various countries, we decided to require that certain countries run anywhere from one to three two-day WMCQs, depending on their region's size and projected attendance.
This change was meant to deliver a better experience to players; however, after receiving feedback from both stores and players, and looking at what the goal of this change was, we are no longer going to require two-day World Magic Cup Qualifiers.

Last Chance Trials
In 2015, we introduced Last Chance Trials before each World Magic Cup Qualifier. These events had the dual purpose of either giving a winner an invitation and/or a first-round bye in the next day's WMCQ.
This year, we are changing Last Chance Trials to instead be Last Chance Qualifiers. Players who are not qualified for their country's World Magic Cup Qualifier may participate in these events.
Byes for WMCQs, which were typically offered through Last Chance Trials, will instead be given out based on Planeswalker Points.

Byes at WMCQs
Starting this year, first-round byes will be awarded to players if they reach the appropriate yearly Planeswalker Point threshold, based on the criteria below:
PWP Qualification Level / PWP Bye Level (1 round bye)
100 / 1500
200 / 2400
300 / 3000
500 / 4000
In the above example, if your country requires 500 Planeswalker Points for you to be eligible to compete in a World Magic Cup Qualifier, then you will need a yearly Planeswalker Points threshold of 4,000 in order to receive a first-round bye.
The byes that are currently awarded to players based on their Pro Tour Players Club level or Hall of Fame status will not change.

And finally...

WMCQ Promo
The 2016 World Magic Cup Qualifier promo card is Abrupt Decay.
WMC and WMCQ Changes Asdfghjkl3
Players who compete in a 2016 World Magic Cup Qualifier will receive this promo card for participating.

Points Required for Invitation in Belgium : 300
Points Required for First-Round Bye in Belgium : 3000

Vous trouverez aussi la nouvelle structure pour la World Magic Cup sur l'article de Wizards : WMC and WMCQ Changes Announced at PT Oath of the Gatewatch

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Date d'inscription : 29/08/2008
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WMC and WMCQ Changes Empty Return of Nationals

Message  MoTo Ven 10 Fév - 11:43

Nombre de messages : 5338
Date d'inscription : 26/03/2009
Age : 43

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