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07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern

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07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern Empty 07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern

Message  Joey Jeu 14 Mai - 11:38


Nombre de messages : 7876
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2008
Age : 42
Localisation : Bruxelles

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07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern Empty Re: 07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern

Message  Mesloffke Jeu 4 Juin - 12:49

Gaat deze nog door?


Nombre de messages : 59
Date d'inscription : 29/01/2013

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07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern Empty Re: 07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern

Message  Blackstones Jeu 4 Juin - 13:50



Nombre de messages : 209
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2013

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07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern Empty Re: 07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern

Message  Snick Ven 5 Juin - 15:45

Ja normaal gezien, het staat op het site van outpost/event


Nombre de messages : 9
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2014
Age : 43
Localisation : Alentour de Bruxelles

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07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern Empty Re: 07/06 - PPTQ First Pro Tour of 2016 - Outpost Brussels - Modern

Message  Alexandrov Sam 6 Juin - 13:38

Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier (PPTQ)
Sunday 7 June 2015
Ends around
Outpost Brussels

Outpost Brussels will host a Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier (PPTQ) on Sunday the 7th of June. The Pro Tour Destination will be the first Pro Tour of 2016.

Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers (PPTQs) are the first step for new players on their path to the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour. By winning a Preliminary PTQ, you will qualify for that season’s Regional Pro Tour Qualifier (RPTQ).

Doors: 11h00
Format: Modern – Swiss Rounds + TOP 8
Entry Fee: 15 €
Prizing : Modern Masters Boosters

All players are eligible to play in a Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier for this season except the following:

- Players who have already won a Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier during the current qualification season
- Players with a Pro Tour Players Club Platinum Level, Gold Level, or Silver level (as of the date of the Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier).
- Players that are members of the Pro Tour Hall of Fame.
- Players who are otherwise already qualified for that season's Regional Pro Tour Qualifier

Prize Distribution

With 33 players or more:

1st: 16 Modern Masters 2015 Boosters + Qualification to the Regional PTQ
2nd: 8 Modern Master 2015 Boosters
3rd -4th: 4 Modern Master 2015 Boosters
5th -8th: 2 Modern Master 2015 Boosters

With 48 players or more:

1st: 1 Modern Masters Booster Display + Qualification to the Regional PTQ
2nd: 10 Modern Masters 2015 Boosters
3rd -4th: 5 Modern Masters 2015 Boosters
5th -8th: 2 Modern Masters 2015 Boosters
9th -12th: 1 Modern Masters 2015 Boosters

With 64 players or more:

1st: 1 Modern Masters 2015 Booster Display + Qualification to the Regional PTQ
2nd: 14 Modern Masters 2015 Boosters
3rd -4th: 6 Modern Masters 2015 Boosters
5th -8th: 3 Modern Masters 2015 Boosters
9th -12th: 2 Modern Masters 2015 Boosters

PLANESWALKER POINTS MULTIPLIER for this event will be x 4.

Nombre de messages : 448
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2010

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