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Show & Tell + Bluffing

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Show & Tell + Bluffing Empty Show & Tell + Bluffing

Message  Reinout Jeu 9 Jan - 0:17

I am playing show&tell. My opponent is playing Deadguy Ale (B/W stuff) and has a Dark Confidant in play. He reveals an oblivion ring of his confidant.
I only have lands in play and show and tell in hand.

I would like to cast show&tell and choose nothing, hoping that my opponent puts his o-ring into play and has to exile his dark confidant.
I see the following possibilities:

  • I shuffle around my cards until my opponent puts aside a card. I then tell him I am not putting anything into play. My opponent can tell me he was still thinking as I did not ask for confirmation. I could ask him for confirmation, but that would make it obvious I am not putting anything into play since I do not have a card in front of me. My opponent does not fall for my cunning trap.
  • I set aside a random card, and when my opponent has put aside a card I tell him I am not putting anything into play. My opponent could tell me exactly the same, claiming he did the same move I did.
  • I make it clear I am not putting anything into play. My opponent puts a land into play and is wondering what I am doing...

Is this just not possible in real life magic, even though you can easily do it on MTGO (yes, I am aware that MTGO is not the same as paper magic).


Nombre de messages : 242
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2012

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Show & Tell + Bluffing Empty Re: Show & Tell + Bluffing

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Ven 10 Jan - 8:27

Je te suggérerais de proposer à ton adversaire d'écrire sur un bout de la carte que vous comptez mettre en jeu. Tu peux alors écrire très clairement "Pas de carte".
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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