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04/05 Outpost Ghent Legacy

2 participants

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04/05 Outpost Ghent Legacy  Empty 04/05 Outpost Ghent Legacy

Message  Reinout Jeu 18 Avr - 13:16

What: Legacy Toernooi
Format: Legacy with top8
When : Saturday 4th of May
Where: Outpost Gent
Cost: 15,- Euro
Start @ 11:30 uur - Doors @ 11u!

Prizes :

16-20Players :
1st : 1 Volcanic Island (Revised)
2nd : 1 Tarmogoyf
3rd : 1 Windswept Heath
4th : 1 Bloodstained Mire
5-8th : 1 booster RtR

21-24Players :
1st : 1 Volcanic Island (Revised)
2nd : 1 Tarmogoyf
3rd : 1 Windswept Heath + 2 boosters RTR
4th : 1 Bloodstained Mire + 2 boosters RTR
5-8th : 1 deathrite shaman

25-32Players :
1st : 1 Volcanic Island (Revised) + 1 windswept heath
2nd : 1 Tarmogoyf + 1 bloodstained Mire
3rd : 1 Windswept Heath + 2 booster RTR
4th : 1 Bloodstained Mire + 2 Booster RTR
5-8th : 1 deathrite shaman + 1 booster RTR

33-40Players :
1st : 1 Volcanic Island (Revised) + 2 marsh flats
2nd : 1 Tarmogoyf + 1 marsh flats
3rd : 3 Windswept Heath
4th : 2 Bloodstained Mire
5-8th : 1 scalding tarn
8-12th : 1 booster RTR

41-48Players :
1st : 1 Volcanic Island (Revised) + 1 Tarmogoyf
2nd : 1 Tarmogoyf + 2 marsh flats
3rd : 3 Windswept Heath
4th : 3 Bloodstained Mire
5-8th : 1 scalding tarn
9-12th : 1 Deathrite Shaman

49-64Players :
1st : 1 Volcanic Island (Revised) + 1 Tarmogoyf + 2 scalding tarn
2nd : 2 Tarmogoyf
3rd : 4 Windswept Heath
4th : 4 Bloodstained Mire
5-8th : 1 scalding tarn
9-12th : 1 Deathrite Shaman

65+Players :
1st : 1 Volcanic Island (Revised) + 2 Tarmogoyf + 1 scalding tarn
2nd : 3 Tarmogoyf
3rd : 4 Windswept Heath
4th : 4 Bloodstained Mire
5-8th : 1 scalding tarn + 1 Marsh flats
9-12th : choice between 1 Verdant catacombs or 1 arid mesa!


Nombre de messages : 242
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2012

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04/05 Outpost Ghent Legacy  Empty Re: 04/05 Outpost Ghent Legacy

Message  Alexandre.M Jeu 18 Avr - 15:47

Surment in

Nombre de messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 19/09/2011
Age : 30
Localisation : Outpost.

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