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27/10 Eindhoven Game Force 1000 Euro Sealed Deck

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27/10 Eindhoven Game Force 1000 Euro Sealed Deck Empty 27/10 Eindhoven Game Force 1000 Euro Sealed Deck

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Mar 18 Sep - 16:37

Game Force 1000 Euro Sealed


Time: 11:00-23:00 Participants: 8-120 Participation: € 32.50 (including entrance Games Spectacle)
Location: Beursgebouw Eindhoven during the Games Spectacle

The Game Show is back in Eindhoven, and of course part of that our 1000 euro sealed deck tournament. We obviously play with Return to Ravnica.
1000 euros in cash prizes are guaranteed, and there are many boosters to win.

NOTE: The location is not in our shop but in the Exhibition in Eindhoven during the Games Spectacle. For Registration is only possible through the service ticket to the Games Spectacle. Order via this site your combo ticket. On = On.

Posted by Twan van de Wal on Thursday 16.08.2012

Traduction Google

En side event, un trial pour le Legacy du lendemain :

Trial of the (unofficial) Game Force Open Nk Legac


Time: 11:00-18:00 Participants: 8-80 Participation: € 15.00 (including entrance Games Spectacle))
Location: Beursgebouw Eindhoven during the Games Spectacle

Win byes for the Game Force Open NK Legacy that the (Sun) day after we get organized.
Besides byes there are single cards to win. Practice it with your deck or just enjoy an intense weekend Legacy play.

NOTE: The location for this tournament is not in our shop but in the Exhibition in Eindhoven.
Pre-registration is only possible through the website of the Games Spectacle. You can not do your combo ticket online. On = On.

Posted by Twan van de Wal on Thursday 16.08.2012
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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27/10 Eindhoven Game Force 1000 Euro Sealed Deck Empty Re: 27/10 Eindhoven Game Force 1000 Euro Sealed Deck

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Lun 15 Oct - 19:09

Si je monte une voiture pour ce tournoi (mais malheureusement pas celui du lendemain), il y a des intéressés ?
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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