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MTGO PTQ Gatecrash (Montreal) online

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MTGO PTQ Gatecrash (Montreal) online Empty MTGO PTQ Gatecrash (Montreal) online

Message  Joey Dim 9 Sep - 12:31

Date Day Time PDT/PST Time UTC Format

9/8/12 Saturday 11:00 AM PDT 17:00 UTC Magic 2013 Sealed Deck
9/16/12 Sunday 7:00 AM PDT 14:00 UTC Magic 2013 Sealed Deck
9/22/12 Saturday 5:00 AM PDT 12:00 UTC Magic 2013 Sealed Deck
9/29/12 Saturday 7:00 AM PDT 14:00 UTC Magic 2013 Sealed Deck
9/30/12 Sunday 11:00 AM PDT 17:00 UTC Magic 2013 Sealed Deck
10/6/12 Saturday 5:00 PM PDT 00:00 (Sunday, Oct 7) UTC Magic 2013 Sealed Deck
10/14/12 Sunday 7:00 AM PDT 14:00 UTC Return to Ravnica Sealed Deck
11/4/12 Sunday 11:00 AM PST 18:00 UTC Return to Ravnica Sealed Deck
11/11/12 Sunday 7:00 AM PST 15:00 UTC Return to Ravnica Sealed Deck
11/17/12 Saturday 5:00 PM PST 01:00 (Sunday, Nov 18) UTC Return to Ravnica Sealed Deck
11/18/12 Sunday 11:00 AM PST 18:00 UTC Return to Ravnica Sealed Deck
11/23/12 Friday 11:00 AM PST 18:00 UTC Return to Ravnica Sealed Deck
11/25/12 Sunday 7:00 AM PST 15:00 UTC Return to Ravnica Sealed Deck
12/2/12 Sunday 7:00 AM PST 15:00 UTC Return to Ravnica Sealed Deck
12/9/12 Sunday 11:00 AM PST 18:00 UTC Return to Ravnica Sealed Deck
12/16/12 Sunday 7:00 AM PST 15:00 UTC Return to Ravnica Sealed Deck

Dernière édition par Joey le Mer 19 Déc - 12:44, édité 1 fois

Nombre de messages : 7876
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2008
Age : 41
Localisation : Bruxelles

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MTGO PTQ Gatecrash (Montreal) online Empty Re: MTGO PTQ Gatecrash (Montreal) online

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Sam 10 Nov - 7:06

Attention PTQ players,

Due a couple separate issues, we are modifying the November 11 PTQ. First, to account for increasing popularity of this event, we have increased the maximum players to 1024 and should ensure that players who want to enter can. We have also set the event to be 11 rounds regardless of attendance, which will ensure that all players with 1 loss or less will end up in the Top 8. Once the 11 Swiss rounds are complete, prizes for 9th – 256th place will be distributed automatically.

Second, in order to mitigate a potential issue with very large limited events cutting to a Top 8 draft, we will be manually creating the Top 8 draft. This means that the Top 8 players need to remain in the Scheduled Events room after the Swiss portion ends so they can be contacted by a Wizards of the Coast tournament coordinator and be invited to the Top 8 draft. This will be a single elimination Return to Ravnica booster draft that will take place in the Scheduled Events room. The prizes for 1st-8th place of the PTQ will be delivered after this Top 8 event completes.

Because this event was recreated with the new parameters, if you had joined prior to Friday morning at 11:30 AM PST you will need to rejoin this event.

Thanks for your patience in this matter, and good luck.
Amusez vous bien dans votre PTQ à 1024 joueurs.
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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MTGO PTQ Gatecrash (Montreal) online Empty Re: MTGO PTQ Gatecrash (Montreal) online

Message  Joey Sam 10 Nov - 10:51

Cool, des 'GP' MTGO Rolling Eyes

Nombre de messages : 7876
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2008
Age : 41
Localisation : Bruxelles

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MTGO PTQ Gatecrash (Montreal) online Empty Re: MTGO PTQ Gatecrash (Montreal) online

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