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Commander's Arsenal

El Tony
Nico Truc
23 participants

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Commander's Arsenal - Page 4 Empty Re: Commander's Arsenal

Message  Fullrouge Mer 31 Oct - 13:59

but this is madness !!!

Nombre de messages : 1202
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Where the sun doesnt shine

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Commander's Arsenal - Page 4 Empty Re: Commander's Arsenal

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Lun 5 Nov - 4:33

imadethisaccounttotalktomaro: Given all the various factors that led to Commander's Arsenal being so scarce, is any thought being given to increasing the supply? It seems like there's definitely space for there to be more copies out there without it losing its prestige.

MaRo: The problem is it’s a product that has a lot of lead time to produce it. For example, it has a unique score keeping element that isn’t just sitting around somewhere to throw in the box. It has to be made and that takes time.

toshimoko29: Some of the bad feelings from the Commander's Arsenal are from people who cynically think that WotC looked at the aftermarket sales of the From the Vaults series and said "Hey, they're selling it for more, we should get more off of it too". It doesn't really translate that it's a luxury product so much as them thinking it's a price gouge on a specialty product. I personally don't think that's how WotC thinks of it, but I run a game/comic store, and I hear people talk.

MaRo: Commander’s Arsenal came about because we wanted to fill in the gap between the two Commander products which were two years apart (and is becoming an annual thing).

We didn’t have a lot of time so we were very restricted on options. We had been floating an idea for a while of trying a luxury product aimed at players who like to bling out their decks. We felt that Commander had a lot of these types of players and it was enough to support a product.

As we had never done anything like this before (especially at this price point), we were very conservative on our prediction of demand. Meanwhile, Magic has been exploding with the release of Return to Ravnica (and we predicted a huge increase but not as big as it has actually been).

This meant we both under estimated how many players would want this product and how big Magic was going to be at the time of its release. Commander’s Arsenal’s print run is a combination of us being cautious and the game exploding.

I do this blog to be frank with you guys and that’s what happened. There was no evil intent. We weren’t trying to gouge anyone or make anyone unhappy. We just had to make a guess many months ahead of time and were off. That’s what happened.

Sinon, j'en ai acheté un à Lyon pour son prix conseillé.
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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Commander's Arsenal - Page 4 Empty Re: Commander's Arsenal

Message  arktos Lun 5 Nov - 10:39

MaRo: The problem is it’s a product that has a lot of lead time to produce it. For example, it has a unique score keeping element that isn’t just sitting around somewhere to throw in the box. It has to be made and that takes time.

Oui, et alors ? Où est le problème ?

I do this blog to be frank with you guys and that’s what happened. There was no evil intent. We weren’t trying to gouge anyone or make anyone unhappy. We just had to make a guess many months ahead of time and were off. That’s what happened.

Ca valait le coup de lire tout jusqu'au bout pour avoir ce genre de confession...

Nombre de messages : 1969
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2009
Age : 53

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Commander's Arsenal - Page 4 Empty Re: Commander's Arsenal

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