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18/07 "Welcome to GP Ghent" en Commander

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18/07 "Welcome to GP Ghent" en Commander Empty 18/07 "Welcome to GP Ghent" en Commander

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Mer 11 Juil - 21:44

De la part de Brecht :

GP Ghent is only a few weeks from now. As you already know, the GP will take place during the 'Gentse Feesten', a city festival of 10 days.

During this festival, I'll organize a Commander tournament in Ghent. For those who are already in Ghent on Wednesday, I would like to invite you to this event. It's always great to play commander with others. You can meet our community. And it will be a good opportunity to tell you more about what to visit, see, eat and drink in Ghent.
If anyone needs more information about how to get there from their hotel, feel free to ask.

Multiplayer Commander event.

Where: Outpost Ghent, Ottergemsesteenweg 13, 9000 Ghent.

When: Wednesday 18th of July. Event starts at 12:00 h

* Price = 7 euro
Prizes = we open a FtV: Legends, and add many other foils and Commander goodies. Everyone will return home with a prize.

* Every player will play two games for the tournament. (if you have time to play more, do so!) Each game will have 3 or 4 players.

* You are allowed to play a different commander for each game.

* The player with the most points will get first choice in prizes.

* points:
- last man standing in a game = 2 victory points
- When the game is over, each player gives one diplomatic point for an opponent whose play they enjoyed most.

* additional prizes for completing certain missions. The missions will be revealed at the beginning of the tournament.
example: a person who paid more then 13 mana for his commander gets an extra prize.

* Rules: the normal commander rules.
Attention: recent bannings:
Sundering titan is banned
Griselbrand is banned

So I hope some of the early birds in Ghent will come. Please let me know if you want to come, so I can explain how to get here.

Greetings, and see you soon.

Brecht Van Reusel.
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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