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Avacyn Restored

La Menagere
El Tombo
Nico Truc
Emmanuelle et Emilien
45 participants

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Fullrouge Mar 24 Avr - 14:42

1/2 deadtouch pour 4 et un noir

quand elle creve tu go chercher une curse et tu la put on the battlefield ^^

Nombre de messages : 1202
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2009
Age : 37
Localisation : Where the sun doesnt shine

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Kyofu Mar 24 Avr - 14:42

oui mais les 2 enchantements de la combo ne sont pas des curse ...


Nombre de messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2011
Age : 43
Localisation : Aubange

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Fullrouge Mar 24 Avr - 14:48


Nombre de messages : 1202
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2009
Age : 37
Localisation : Where the sun doesnt shine

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Kyofu Mar 24 Avr - 14:49

c est deja mieux comme combo
d ailleur le prix de food chain s en ressent MDR
j ai commande mes 4 le jour ou le griffon a ete spoil a 1.5euro piece miam


Nombre de messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2011
Age : 43
Localisation : Aubange

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  NiRVeS Mar 24 Avr - 15:31

Quelles deux enchantments?
Carte qui permet de rassembler des combo's avec des enchantments: Enduring Ideal.
Créature: Academy Rector.

EDIT: Sanguine Bond + Exquisite Blood? Bon début pour un noir combo-EDH. Tu peux également inclure Bloodchiefs Ascension + Mind Crank, c'est un peu dans le même style. Si tu ajout du blanc (pour les tutors): Humility + Curse of Deaths Hold/Night of Souls Betrayal Twisted Evil .


Nombre de messages : 687
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2011
Localisation : Gent

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Georges Mar 24 Avr - 17:20

trollone a écrit:Je crois en effet que le deck Meule sera le seul deck viable jusqu'à la rotation de M14. Avacyn Restored, M13 et Return to Ravnica n'apporteront strictement rien au format standard d'ici-là. Sauf peut-être le deck Hound, très rapide, qui m'a l'air plutôt bien parti - je compte d'ailleurs le jouer au prochain Masters que j'organise prochainement. Un set P9 Mint pour chaque participant du Top8, un playset de bilands bords noir pour les autres (je viens de les ouvrir dans des boosters). Merci de me répondre ASAP, je pars dans l'espace fin du mois.

Sory de quoter un hors sujet, mais j'ai vraiment trop rigolé ! Laughing

Nombre de messages : 1199
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2010

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Mer 25 Avr - 11:11

Un article expliquant la position de Wizards sur les prereleases et les événements de type Helvault :
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Kyofu Mer 25 Avr - 11:20

argh go le quote please j ai pas acces du taff Sad


Nombre de messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2011
Age : 43
Localisation : Aubange

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Nexus Mer 25 Avr - 11:23

Lien Wizards a écrit:
Many of your Magic events no doubt offer prizes to reward players who play well over the course of the tournament. While your players may have come to expect and appreciate your prize support, there's something even more key to the success of your events: your players' experience.

Why is experience important?

It's easy to get lost in the notion that your players show up solely for the opportunity to win promotional cards, booster packs, and the other items you use to reward players for playing well at your events. In fact, many of your players may inform you that your prizes are the reason they show up when asked. But if that were the case, the store with the largest prize payouts would always have the largest turnout and the most returning, satisfied customers; history has shown that's not the case.

So which stores are successful, and why? The stores that see the most success with our Organized Play are the ones who cultivate a sense of community amongst their players and they do that not by offering the most prizes but by focusing on their customer's experience. It's easy to make the player who won all of their matches at your Prerelease walk away happy by giving them the lion's share of prizes; how do you make the player who didn't win any matches happy with how their weekend turned out?

Tips and tricks

The best way to keep your players excited about being at your events is to start with the basics: a warm, inviting atmosphere in your store with welcoming staff who are knowledgeable about products and happy to answer questions. Magic is a big game, and new players in particular can have lots of questions. You don't have to be a professional player or judge to be able to answer their questions in a way that will make them feel good about turning to you as a knowledge resource and in turn investing their money at your store.

Once you've got those basics down, take advantage of special opportunities to create awesome events. The Helvault promotion for the Avacyn Restored Prereleases is a great example; players are highly anticipating the Helvault and by showing it off in your store prior to your Prerelease you help your players become more excited about showing up to your Prerelease and taking part of something awesome.

Finally, consider examining alternative ways to award prizes at your events. It's great to reward players for doing well (and we encourage you to!), but consider offering randomly selected door prizes that anyone has a shot at winning, regardless of their record, too. It feels good to get something for playing, and door prizes are a great way to spread the prize love. You might consider an achievements system that helps build community by awarding prizes for specific community-enriching activities. Give out a booster from your back-stock for anyone who brings a new player to your Prerelease or Friday Night Magic, or hand out a sportsmanship prize to a player participating in their first event and following the rules.

We trust you to find what works for your retail environment, but as we approach the Avacyn Restored Prerelease remember: it's not the size of the prizes you hand out that will bring your players back, but the experience they have in earning those prizes.

Nombre de messages : 2480
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : Hell

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Kyofu Jeu 26 Avr - 6:32

desole mais je pouvais passer a cote
c'est sur un fil de discussion a propos des sleeper cards de AVR
soit spokeone a un compte sur MTGsalvation s'appelant shammypants, soit y a un 2eme mec dans le monde qui prepare une secret tech (quoique c est encore pire la peut etre)

Originally Posted by Shammypants
I am gonna go with Deadeye Navigator..

I feel like there are going to be times where you can pull off multiple bounces or protect your creatures with a well timed Alchemist's Refuge into Deadeye Navigator.

Definite sleeper.


Nombre de messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2011
Age : 43
Localisation : Aubange

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Alexandrov Jeu 26 Avr - 8:11

Nexus a écrit:
Lien Wizards a écrit:
Many of your Magic events no doubt offer prizes to reward players who play well over the course of the tournament. While your players may have come to expect and appreciate your prize support, there's something even more key to the success of your events: your players' experience.

Why is experience important?

It's easy to get lost in the notion that your players show up solely for the opportunity to win promotional cards, booster packs, and the other items you use to reward players for playing well at your events. In fact, many of your players may inform you that your prizes are the reason they show up when asked. But if that were the case, the store with the largest prize payouts would always have the largest turnout and the most returning, satisfied customers; history has shown that's not the case.

So which stores are successful, and why? The stores that see the most success with our Organized Play are the ones who cultivate a sense of community amongst their players and they do that not by offering the most prizes but by focusing on their customer's experience. It's easy to make the player who won all of their matches at your Prerelease walk away happy by giving them the lion's share of prizes; how do you make the player who didn't win any matches happy with how their weekend turned out?

Tips and tricks

The best way to keep your players excited about being at your events is to start with the basics: a warm, inviting atmosphere in your store with welcoming staff who are knowledgeable about products and happy to answer questions. Magic is a big game, and new players in particular can have lots of questions. You don't have to be a professional player or judge to be able to answer their questions in a way that will make them feel good about turning to you as a knowledge resource and in turn investing their money at your store.

Once you've got those basics down, take advantage of special opportunities to create awesome events. The Helvault promotion for the Avacyn Restored Prereleases is a great example; players are highly anticipating the Helvault and by showing it off in your store prior to your Prerelease you help your players become more excited about showing up to your Prerelease and taking part of something awesome.

Finally, consider examining alternative ways to award prizes at your events. It's great to reward players for doing well (and we encourage you to!), but consider offering randomly selected door prizes that anyone has a shot at winning, regardless of their record, too. It feels good to get something for playing, and door prizes are a great way to spread the prize love. You might consider an achievements system that helps build community by awarding prizes for specific community-enriching activities. Give out a booster from your back-stock for anyone who brings a new player to your Prerelease or Friday Night Magic, or hand out a sportsmanship prize to a player participating in their first event and following the rules.

We trust you to find what works for your retail environment, but as we approach the Avacyn Restored Prerelease remember: it's not the size of the prizes you hand out that will bring your players back, but the experience they have in earning those prizes.

Wizard c'est tellement de la vision, du bien pour les joueurs que le gérant d'un magasin que je fréquente récemment me racontait que les commercials de Wizards qu'il rencontrait n'avaient pour certains jamais joués à Magic et que même lui était obligé de lui avouer a quel point leurs idées comme le Heldaube étaient bidons. (Pourtant avec une des populations les plus casual de Belgique fréquentant les events)

Nombre de messages : 448
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2010

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Christoune Jeu 26 Avr - 8:30

Si tu fais référence à LLN (et j'en suis quasi sur), cette communauté est pour moi la meilleure que j'ai pu rencontré. Certains y voit du casual n44pesque, j'y vois juste une communauté de passionné et des joueurs d'une sympathie débordante.

Nombre de messages : 637
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2011

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Dim 29 Avr - 8:00

WoTC nous refait le coup des hidden treasures de Zendikar : certains Helvault sont remplis de cartes de forte valeur (Judge Gift), ou de version foil du contenu normal. Smile
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Kyofu Dim 29 Avr - 8:20



Nombre de messages : 1521
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2011
Age : 43
Localisation : Aubange

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Emmanuelle et Emilien Dim 29 Avr - 8:26

J'ai évité de donner la source pour ne pas donner le contenu exact des "super-Helvault", mais s'il y en a qui n'ont pas peur de se gâcher la surprise :
À noter que le contenu des super-Helvault semble très varié, plusieurs personnes reportant (vidéos ou photos à l'appui) plusieurs types de bonus différents.
Emmanuelle et Emilien
Emmanuelle et Emilien

Nombre de messages : 7395
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  El Tony Dim 29 Avr - 12:09

Emmanuelle et Emilien a écrit:J'ai évité de donner la source pour ne pas donner le contenu exact des "super-Helvault", mais s'il y en a qui n'ont pas peur de se gâcher la surprise :
À noter que le contenu des super-Helvault semble très varié, plusieurs personnes reportant (vidéos ou photos à l'appui) plusieurs types de bonus différents.

ça justifie donc bien tout le cirque fait par wizard autour des ap Smile

Edit: en fait non..
El Tony
El Tony

Nombre de messages : 280
Date d'inscription : 24/03/2012

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Avacyn Restored - Page 19 Empty Re: Avacyn Restored

Message  Contenu sponsorisé

Contenu sponsorisé

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