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20/06 PTQ Austin - Standard - Aken/Aix-La-Chapelle - Germany

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20/06 PTQ Austin - Standard - Aken/Aix-La-Chapelle - Germany Empty 20/06 PTQ Austin - Standard - Aken/Aix-La-Chapelle - Germany

Message  Joey Dim 17 Mai - 14:30

When: Saturday, 20.06.2009
Where: Bürgerzentrum St. Fronleichnam, Schleswigstr. 15, 52068 Aachen, Germany
How to get there: Google Maps
Start of Registration: 9:30 Uhr
Start of Tournament: 11:00 Uhr
Format: Standard
Entrance Fee: 10 €

Prizesupport: The winner gets an invitation to the Pro Tour and a travel voucher.
At least 1 Booster per player will be added to the prize pool, if we have more then 64 players we will add at least 1.5 boosters per player to the prize pool. Most probably even more.

Food and drinks will be available on site at fair prices.

Preregistration: At Tournament Day from 9:30 h or now by mail to Orga (at) (Please include your DCI-#).

Additional Information including travel information can be found at

Nombre de messages : 7876
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2008
Age : 41
Localisation : Bruxelles

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20/06 PTQ Austin - Standard - Aken/Aix-La-Chapelle - Germany Empty Re: 20/06 PTQ Austin - Standard - Aken/Aix-La-Chapelle - Germany

Message  Joey Dim 17 Mai - 14:32

Ça me semble jouable. Quelqu'un en voiture compte y aller ?
Si oui, je suis partant.

Nombre de messages : 7876
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2008
Age : 41
Localisation : Bruxelles

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