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24/09 INNISTRAD 2 HG Prerelease@Outpost Brussels

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24/09 INNISTRAD 2 HG Prerelease@Outpost Brussels Empty 24/09 INNISTRAD 2 HG Prerelease@Outpost Brussels

Message  Bernardo Ven 9 Sep - 13:20

Hi Everyone,

Good news : 2HG Prereleases are back ! New mechanics, unknown magic cards, new combinations, lots of fun in a relaxed tournament...
Vampires, Werewolfs and humans are the main attractive theme of the set, along with doubled sided cards,
there are more than enough reasons to join us at the prerelease Smile!

Starting Time: 19h30
Format: Innistrad Two Headed Sealed Deck (8boosters)
Entry fee: 35 euro
Prizes: Exclusive promo and lots of Innistrad boosters

There will be Open dueling and side event drafts as usual !

Good luck and see you soon,

The Outpost Brussels Team

NDM : Date corrigee 24/10


Nombre de messages : 282
Date d'inscription : 18/09/2010

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