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29/03 WIN A TRIP GUARANTEED GPT Paris (Dragons of Tarkir Sealed) 12h00

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29/03 WIN A TRIP GUARANTEED GPT Paris (Dragons of Tarkir Sealed) 12h00 Empty 29/03 WIN A TRIP GUARANTEED GPT Paris (Dragons of Tarkir Sealed) 12h00

Message  Bernardo Lun 2 Mar - 14:35


Here comes the big Paris GP of the Year and it will be in an unique location! So come to get your byes or just enjoy the format Smile!

Here are the details of the Tournament:
* What: GPT Paris
* Where: Outpost Brussels, rue de la tribune, 8, 1000 Brussels
* When: Sunday 29/03
* Doors: Opening 11h00 - Start 12h00
* Format: Dragons of tarkir Sealed – Swiss Rounds + TOP 8 DRAFT
* Entry Fee: 35 Euros
* Preregistrations:
* Prizing: The bus Trip includes the bus and the Hotel Room!

With 16 players or more

1st 2 Byes + Outpost Bus Trip to Paris or 1 Dragons of tarkir Display
Top 8 Free Draft

With 24 players or more

1st 2 Byes + Outpost Bus Trip to Paris or 1 Dragons of tarkir Display
2nd 9 Dragons of tarkir Boosters
3rd -4th 6 Dragons of tarkir Boosters
5th -8th 3 Dragons of tarkir Boosters
Top 8 Free Draft

With 33 players or more

1st 2 Byes + Outpost Bus Trip to Paris or 1 Dragons of tarkir Display
2nd 15 Dragons of tarkir Boosters
3rd -4th 7 Dragons of tarkir Boosters
5th -8th 4 Dragons of tarkir Boosters
Top 8 Free Draft

Good luck and see you soon ,

The Outpost Brussels Team


Nombre de messages : 282
Date d'inscription : 18/09/2010

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